About This Blog and Me, The Writer :-)







REFLECTIONS on the world we live in.


A Place To Ignite The Passion and Fire In Your Soul To Create A New Vision For Our Community Where You Can Make A Positive Difference and Believe Real Change Is Possible. Where Tonight’s Dream and Desire is Tomorrow’s Magnificent Reality and Abundance.


About Shine A Light




The purpose of Shine A Light is to create an inspiring space for people to reflect, wonder, think and consider the important issues of the day through a different perspective and lens to mainstream entities and authorities. It is about challenging the status quo and shifting the narrative, reclaiming the narrative, and recognising the agenda of the political and media classes and their lobbyists and putting forth a new way of thinking and approaching today’s issues and concerns.

These Reflections are about Shining A Light on social justice issues that would otherwise be censored, ignored, dismissed, diminished, ridiculed, mocked, or swept under the rug. The focus is on raising awareness and helping people believe in their potential as individuals, communities and a nation and regaining control over our own lives, minds, thoughts, dreams and direction.


Shine A Light is a billboard for change. It is a place for visionaries, change-makers, forward-thinkers, independent and free thinkers, those who dare to dream big and offer a different alternative, enterprising minds, entrepreneurs and altruists, to come together and care, consider, create, collaborate, contribute, reach out, elevate, harmonise, and make the difference the world needs for it to be a better place so all members of society, from all backgrounds, can succeed and lead flourishing lives.


It is designed to inspire and motive real change so we can become a society driven by kindness, generosity, care, compassion, graciousness, dignity, equality, respect, helpfulness, belonging and inclusion, opportunity, resourcefulness, hope, justice, fairness, judiciousness, discernment, astuteness, awareness, curiosity, humour, imagination, creativity, potential, generosity, balance, integrity, courage, independence, honesty, truthfulness, beauty, transcendence, excellence, love, acceptance, diversity, and spirituality.


It is about recognising that we all have a contribution to make and we all deserve a comfortable, abundance, joyful, graceful and free life of ease and joy.


The purpose of this blog is to encourage discussion, shift perspectives and inspire change by discussing the political and social issues of the day and how they are impacting vulnerable and disadvantaged groups across Australia. The perspective of the blog will be different from traditional media, unconstrained and unfiltered by editorial judgements and demands. The idea is to advocate for and shine a light on those in society whose voice is not heard and who need their cause elevated. The essays will look at local, national and global issues and how seemingly distant matters still affect Australia. What happens to these people matters and we should strive to create a society where everybody can have a quality of life that is dignified, safe, free, secure and stable, and comfortable. The blog will focus on human rights and social justice matters, environmental issues, climate change, Indigenous Affairs, and global events.

While the writing will mainly focus on current affairs, the writer might also dabble in short stories, poetry and re-investigating stories from the past, such as rebuilding after natural disasters and war.

If you have a story you would like to be covered, please do get in touch.


The writer of the essays is Emma Meconi, who lives in Australia.

I am a Mother of two with a passion for writing and trained in Journalism, Community Welfare Work and Commerce. I am studying Social Work but I am currently on a break from further studies.

If you like what you read, appreciate these ideas and enjoy the essays, please like and share the essays, follow me on Twitter @SpotlightForYou and if you can, and you would like to, feel free to make a financial contribution to me at Paypal meconi21@hotmail.com. All financial assistance is warmly welcomed and gratefully received as I attempt to navigate my way towards financial independence and freedom and away from reliance on government payments.


Thank you so very much for taking the time to visit my site and supporting the dream and desire for a better world for us all.

I hope you leave with a renewed perspective and a reinvigorated and more hopeful approach to life and the world around us.


Thanks again for your interest and I hope you enjoy the essays. Constructive feedback is welcome. This is still a work-in-progress and open to evolving and expanding.


The Content and Essays On This Site Are The Intellectual Property of Emma Lina Meconi.


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