The Machinations of Israel’s Genocide In Gaza and

Ethnic Cleansing of the West Bank.


The Prime Minister of Israel, a war criminal, power-hungry sadist, and bloodthirsty extremist, issued a stern warning to the Middle East this week. His message was clear, he is in charge now and if the citizens of the affected countries want a “peaceful” life, they must comply with his directives or die under the full weight of Western aggression and missiles. He seems to think he controls them now and “peace” will only come if they learn to live under Zionist oppression and occupation. Netanyahu is not content to occupy Palestine alone, he also wants other surrounding countries and is determined to ensure he rules over them. If you are a Middle Eastern nation independent from American influence and coercion, then America, and its proxy Israel, is coming for you. Watch your back because you could be next.


Palestine – Lebanon – Syria – Iran – Yemen – Iraq


America’s Proxy, Israel, Decides Who Is Next Tomorrow


So as the Middle East battens down the hatches for this blizzard of bombs and wave of tyranny and destruction that is about to wash over them and destroy their lives as they know it, it is timely to note how we got here and to figure out how the rest of the Middle East will shield itself from the out-of-control tyrant, Netanyahu.


During the last 11 months and 75 years, the world has learned the hard and painful way how to promote and commit war crimes and get away with it. Worse still, it has learned that a vote for the mainstream duopoly political parties here, and abroad, is a vote for Israel’s Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, and Extermination of the Palestinian People. But we have also been given a unique insight into the broad spectrum and extremes of the human character and human nature, and given a remarkable view of what human beings are truly capable of. What they are capable of enduring and what they are capable of committing.


We have learned in 11 months and 75 years that the strength of the human spirit is limitless and unshakeable, as demonstrated by the Palestinian people. While the depravity of the human character is ruthless and merciless, as shown by the Israeli people and their Western backers. We have seen the best of human nature in the Palestinian people as they endure Israel’s continuing genocide, ethnic cleansing and extermination efforts, with faith, dignity, grace, strength, spirit and boundless resolve. While we have seen the worst of human nature in the Israeli people and their Western cheer squad who commit and resource the most heinous and atrocious human rights violations ever seen in human history against the Palestinian people. Israel and its death cult cheer squad then arrogantly grandstand about it.


This is how Israel and the West behaves, in this misguided and deluded endeavour to assert its authority and existence and assume moral superiority over the Middle East – commit mass murder and war crimes over decades with impunity. Just keep dropping bombs and the problem will go away. However, this has resulted in a never-ending nightmare in Palestine where Israel is carrying out a macabre experiment in the effects of mass murder, torture, torment, deprivation, and cruelty, on a captive population with no escape, no means to escape and no help coming. Not even the scariest horror films and stories of our time could have conjured up the sheer evil Israel and its Western backers are inflicting on the people of Palestine and the nearby region.


Watching Netanyahu and his evil supporters and backers in the American, British, Australian, Canadian, Italian, German, French and sympathetic, compliant Middle Eastern Regimes, is like watching the suburban narcissist when he is given a never-ending supply of lethal missiles and complete impunity to kill his innocent targets, over and over and over again. The level of murderous, ruthless, relentless, sadistic narcissism and complete absence of rationality, reason, compassion, empathy and mercy on display from Netanyahu, his government, the IOF, and the bloodthirsty egomaniacs in supportive Western regimes, is frightening to witness. Netanyahu is bombing areas that have already been bombed in Gaza, while bulldozing homes and damaging infrastructure in the West Bank. Cemeteries and tents are being attacked in Gaza by Israel. Olive groves bulldozed by Israel in the West Bank. Again, Israel is allowed carte blanche licence to attack Palestine without any repercussions from the global community in the West. We spend our lives condemning the acts of narcissists, violent offenders, and murderers for their ruthless violence, volatile nature, and manipulative and coercive ways in suburban homes and neighbourhoods. Yet we have found out the hard way, that we have elected these narcissists, psychopaths and sociopaths who possess an insatiable lust for blood and have no sense of mercy, remorse, guilt, shame, proportionality, perspective, or atonement, as our representatives in our governments. The cries of sheer terror and unimaginable fear from Palestinians living this daily hell for over 75 years will echo through the ages, leaving future civilisations and historians utterly stunned and shocked by what barbarism was allowed to occur to the captive, innocent population of Palestine. That they were not even given a realistic pathway to leave Gaza and the West Bank is what really astounds the mind and shocks the senses.


Israel, America, England, Italy, France, Canada, Germany and some Middle Eastern regimes who prefer American blood money to the brotherhood of man at home, have all proven that their governments are controlled by narcissists and homicidal maniacs with no concept of when enough is enough and no control over their relentless, never-ending killing spree. Israel is quite satisfied to keep on killing, keep on torturing, keep on tormenting, and keep on destroying Palestine and threatening the rest of the world, because apparently, no-one is willing, able or courageous enough to stop them. Not even the International Court of Justice can stop Israel as it too relents to the threats, intimidation and bullying from the United States, United Kingdom and Germany. Such is the madness consuming Israel and its unhinged backers in the West that they feel quite comfortable and at ease threatening the International Court of Justice, in full view of the whole world. This is all happening in full view of eight billion people on Earth, direct to our phones, in the palm of our hands, every day. Front row seats to Israel’s mass murder and destruction of Palestine. Still, no-one with power, influence or a conscience intervenes to stop Israel and the West’s murderous mission. That this is being done in plain sight of the whole world is shocking to say the least. No-one can say they didn’t know how bad it was. It seems these regimes have decided that killing is fun and addictive and getting away with it is an intoxicating and powerful thrill. Netanyahu is having so much fun he has extended his killing spree to include Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iran, and Iraq is also in the firing line. Thus we have seen the truly ugly, brutal, and depraved side of human nature in the Israelis and the politicians of the West who we elected. Never has a more barbaric, ruthless, psychologically unhinged, and mentally unstable population of people ever existed on Earth than the population of Israel, their Regime and its Western backers, as they rejoice and celebrate this festival of death and destruction.


At the other end of the scale, the Palestinian people have shown us how beautiful and inspiring human nature can be. That human nature is loving, kind, gentle, faithful, loyal, and true. That the Palestinian people embody the essence of humanity, “the soul of our soul”, what it means to be alive, human and a body enriched, enhanced and enlivened by the soul. They keep on living their lives, cooking what they can, dancing, singing, smiling, rejoicing in what little they still have while praying that the peace and freedom they want most of all will soon arrive. That the help they have been begging for from the West will arrive. They wait with dignity and grace, and with hope in their hearts and faith in their souls. This is despite Israel’s relentless campaign of dehumanisation in Western media and promoted by Western leaders. This is despite Western media promoting Israel’s mission to kill as a right and gift, while diminishing Palestine’s rights and wishes to simply live in peace, freedom and complete independence, like the rest of us, as a “terrorist ideology”. This is despite the fact that the West is not sending help and has not sent help for 12 months and 75 years. This is after Israel massacred, tortured, brutally raped, forcibly displaced and ethnically cleansed the Palestinian people. This is despite losing everything and everyone, near and dear to them. This is despite Palestine being violently occupied for over 75 years. In that time, the people have been subjected to brutal oppression, siege, starvation, and denial and deprivation of basic civil liberties and human rights that everyone else takes for granted. From the amount of water they can drink, to how far out in the sea they can fish, Israel controls everything Palestinians do in Gaza and the West Bank. Gaza is a concentration camp, the West Bank is a prison.


Now, they are being denied fuel for generators to power hospitals and life-saving equipment for patients, adults and babies, denied access to basic medical services and hygiene facilities, and denied access to reliable Internet Services. They watch their homes and communities being obliterated, with children losing lives and limbs, while buildings and hope crumble under rubble. This illegal onslaught occurs all while their homeland, Palestine, is gradually reduced, day by day, in violation of International Law and all reason and morality. Israel illegally occupies and encroaches further and further upon Palestinian territory in Gaza and the West Bank and refuses to accept peace, freedom, autonomy, and self-determination for the Palestinian people. Israel refuses to accept Palestine as its own sovereign state, free from Israeli terror, control and brutality. The majority of countries on Earth support Palestinian statehood. Israel is the problem. Israel is the terrorist. Israel is the criminal regime. Israel is the aggressor. Israel is the occupier. Israel is the hindrance to peace.


Israel, America and their Western backers are the barriers to peace in the Middle East. Israel refuses to live side-by-side with the Palestinian people, despite preaching “democracy” and “Western Values”. Israel pretends to be the “Middle East’s only Democracy”. It is nothing more than an elected fascist regime and brutal occupier and criminal entity. On the one hand, it appears as a liberal democracy affording Israelis all the rights and freedoms available under such a system of governance. But on the other hand, Palestinians in Israel are treated as second-class citizens, while the military occupation in Gaza and the oppression in the West Bank, betrays Israel’s appearance as a “liberal democracy”. It is a militant democracy, a savage, murderous state. Yet, even though Palestinians are suffocating under the iron grip of Israel’s illegal aggression, occupation, oppression, suppression, and continual massacres, they simply pick themselves up, go home, rebuild and start again, undeterred, unphased, unwilling to be intimidated into coercion, surrender or leaving and abandoning their homes and loved ones. The extent of the depravity and lunacy of the Israeli regime is on full display when the IOF goes back to bomb those homes that have already been bombed, and repeatedly targets schools, hospitals, and refugee camps sheltering innocent civilians. This is not only an experiment on what a captive population can tolerate, but it is a disturbing experiment in what human beings are capable of and what witnesses to the atrocities will do when confronted with this nightmare. One of the most frightening elements of all in this horrific situation is the complete lack of emotion from politicians across the West when discussing what is happening to Palestinians. The cold veneer and heartlessness from the political class and their clinical, rehearsed, carefully crafted and scripted reactions and statements is shocking. How appalling and atrocious can the actions of Israel, America and the IOF become before politicians finally react with horror, human emotion, human outrage, pain, anguish, and sorrow, and demand a stop to Israel’s madness? Netanyahu’s lust for blood is boundless. The horrors Israel has carried out in Palestine is something beyond our worst nightmares or most vivid imaginations. Yet Western regimes resource, support and promote these atrocities as “self-defence”. A blatant lie as an occupier does not have a right to self-defence. The people being occupied have a right under International Law to resist Israel’s occupation. Hamas has the right to defend Palestinians from Israel and the occupation and fight for Palestine’s freedom. Today’s children of the dead are tomorrow’s warriors of the Palestinian cause. Credit to Palestine’s friends, the Houthis from Yemen, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Iranian IRGC, and Russian and Chinese Governments who are lending whatever support they can while Palestinians face this constant pouring of missiles from the sky, hundreds a day, for nearly a year, falling onto innocent people trapped in an open-air concentration camp in Gaza. This captive population, starved and dying from disease, exposure, war injuries, and dehydration, have nowhere to seek refuge, nowhere safe to go, no sanctuary, no hope, no help, no answer to the desperate SOS that rang out for decades and months, and no shelter from America and its proxy, Israel’s blizzard of bombs. Nevertheless, Palestinians hold onto their faith, families, hope and dreams. The depth and purity of the Palestinian spirit radiates so much light, love and faith, that it washes away Israel and the West’s darkness and evil, as they await the answer to their cries for help.


Yet their SOS is one that will echo through the ages when the future asks in frustration, despair and horror, “Why did no-body help the innocent Palestinian people and stop the murderous Israeli Regime”? Did that civilisation have no heart or compassion for children and innocent lives? What was wrong with them that they harboured so much hatred in their hearts for innocent children and people occupied for decades, who committed no crime and deserved no punishment? A civilisation that preached to the rest of the world all about ‘democracy’, ‘Western values’, ‘human rights’, ‘freedom’, ‘peace’, the importance of the rule of law, International Humanitarian Law, and rules of war, that so readily dismissed these laws, values, morals and standards so that Israel could unleash a torrent of crimes against humanity over decades, culminating in over 11 months of hell, suffering, torment and torture? How could they do this? Why did they do this? What did 21st century Western Civilisation truly represent? It leaves one wondering, when is enough going to be enough? How many more bombs have to be dropped for Israel and the West to be satisfied? It has already surpassed every other major war in the amount of bombs dropped on people. Except in past wars, it was armies fighting each other, not one army against a defenceless, unarmed population as is the case with Israel against Gaza and the West Bank. Why did no-body stop Israel and America? The lack of emotion and heart from Western politicians is truly frightening, like they have a heart of stone, such clinical, rehearsed, scripted reactions and statements, so cold, emotionless, expressionless, and unfeeling when confronted with the horrors being committed by Israel towards the Palestinians for nearly a year. Why is their reaction so callous and cruel and utterly devoid of empathy and mercy? They all react in exactly the same way, saying exactly the same thing, like Israel has handed them the script and issued the directives. The same reaction occurs in the media, like Israel has handed them the propaganda script for that bulletin. It is interesting to witness how far Israel’s influence across the Planet, across the media, across governments and across institutions spans. It is interesting to see how Australia’s sovereignty is being undermined by America and its proxy Israel and its extremist ideology, Zionism, in more ways than originally thought.


A look at what was happening in Western countries’ own backyards would give a telling insight into what Western values had truly become and the Orwellian, dystopian, violent, bloodthirsty nightmare that had transpired with the wave of tyranny washing over Western society, removing any remnants of freedom, justice, and human rights that once remained, shaky as the foundations were previously. The greatest lie is that they are fighting wars to defend our values, when really, they are starting wars to generate corporate profits. Killing is a profitable industry for America, Israel and like-minded death cult subscribers around the world. Just recently Victoria, Australia, without a shred of irony or self-reflection, decided it was appropriate to go ahead with a Defence Expo and react to protests with a level of police brutality only generally seen in tyrannical regimes around the world. Or perhaps the Victorian Government, owned and operated by the sadistic Zionist lobby, quite enjoyed holding this Defence Expo in the wake of Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza and the West Bank, and now increasing violence in Lebanon, to ridicule and mock the people of Palestine and their supporters. Maybe the irony was the point, after all. Either way, it was not a good look and was offensive to any decent human being who prefers peace and pacifism to war and tyranny. Similarly, the Prime Minister of Australia and the Opposition Leader are seeking to make democracy illegal this weekend by banning protests for Palestine and against Israel’s war crimes and atrocities across the Middle East. This is how far Australia’s politicians have strayed from values representing freedom, human rights, peace, equality, and justice for all populations on Earth.


It is clear the West is not what we were led to believe it was and that the stark reality reveals a bleak landscape where fascism and authoritarianism has taken hold and true freedom is but a lofty ideal, barely within reach. Why and how did the people let this happen? It all begins with a political system hijacked by a war-mongering, hostile duopoly, with very little scope to break free from that tyranny. Plus, it seems fascism, tyranny, the surveillance state, authoritarianism, and the police state is an easy sell to a population of people where far too many are too busy, stressed and selfish to care about innocent human beings and babies a world away or to even notice what is happening, much less find the impetus to sift through the sewer of propaganda and lies being shoved down their throats by politicians and mainstream media outlets and find out the truth of the matter. Given the current tyrannical climate in the West, where whistleblowers and journalists are hunted down, persecuted, prosecuted and jailed, and the marginalised and disadvantaged are savaged, attacked, demeaned and left feeling demoralised, degraded, defeated, deflated, condemned and abandoned while surviving on scraps, and protesters are attacked and beaten by Western governments and authorities, it is little wonder the people of Palestine never stood a chance if they thought the West was their only hope for peace, freedom, safety, sovereignty, statehood, autonomy and an opportunity for a normal, flourishing, happy and fulfilling life. The West was instead responsible for pushing them through the gateway to hell and annihilation, not for restoring goodness, peace, freedom, autonomy, independence, sovereignty, human rights, justice, and hope to their lives.  Most of the West is Palestine’s foe, not their friend.


Again and again and again, Israel tries to break Palestine’s spirit, exterminate them all, but they just keep rebuilding, stronger than ever before. The more determined and powerful the Palestinian people become, strengthened by their despair, pain and struggle, the more frustrated and murderous the Israelis, Americans and Western backers become. Like the suburban narcissist, the Israelis and their Western supporters, cannot stand the sight of the Palestinian people rebuilding and restoring their lives, on a solid foundation of hope, faith, love, belief, vision, innocence, purity, dignity, dreams, goodness, and Allah’s will. The more they lose the more determined they are to go home, with faith and hope in their hearts and a spirit that soars far higher than the rest of us could ever know. They are the living example of the courage, strength and depth of the human spirit to keep going, to keep living, dreaming, hoping, aspiring, achieving, and succeeding. To keep going back home and to not let anyone, anywhere, take away their basic human right to have a place to call home. That place is Palestine. Palestine is where the Palestinian people belong. Palestine will always be their home.


Israel calls this attack on Palestine “self-defence” and a “war”. The West recites this “self-defence” script, dutifully parroting a carefully worded script from Big Brother designed to manipulate and deceive the general public into believing Israel’s lies and propaganda that Israel, a brutal and murderous occupier, “has the right to defend itself”. This is despite the last three quarters of a century of Israel committing heinous atrocities and gross human rights violations against the Palestinian people. The way leaders here and around the world repeated this line over and over and over again, in such a cold, clinical, identical, and heartless way was startling and gave serious pause for thought. Puppets on a string, all saying exactly the same thing, all controlled and operated by external forces, otherwise known as, presumably, the Zionist Lobby. Each time Israel faced retaliation, these same politicians recited these same identical scripts, in press conferences and on social media, here and around the world. Exactly the same wording, exactly the same defence of Israel, exactly the same encouragement of Israel’s war crimes, exactly the same accusations of “anti-semitism” to shut down any criticism of Israel’s genocide in Gaza and ethnic cleansing of the West Bank. The protection racket around Israel is disturbing and macabre. It is quite deliberate, forceful and powerful and the Western politicians who are part of this toxic nest of war criminals and pests do not even seem to care about how ridiculous, robotic and disingenuous they appear. The scripts are always identical, and it makes you wonder where these directives actually came from. Then these same politicians have spent the past twelve months repeating this one particular line about self-defence, in a cold, emotionless, expressionless, soulless way, as Israel’s atrocities in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen became more horrific and violent and Gaza is reduced to nothing but a wasteland and pile of rubble. The Politicians remain unmoved by Israel’s atrocities and continue to “stand with Israel”, a genocidal regime committing crimes against humanity. Yet they call it “self-defence” as if we are stupid and do not see what is actually happening. We are being played for fools. Israel is the aggressor in the region and the region is entitled to retaliate against Israel and Israel’s atrocities. Israel does not have a right to defend itself. Israel’s actions go against International Law and yet Western Governments and mainstream media institutions repeat the lies over and over and over again, even when they have been disproven, again and again. This makes those Western Governments complicit in Israel’s war crimes.


Israel itself has proudly declared its intentions are extermination, genocide, and ethnic cleansing and that it expects to get away with it or it will accuse the world of being “anti-semitic”. “Greater Israel” is the name of the game. Israeli settlers are already claiming territory in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. Being accused of “anti-semitism” has been a most effective weapon of war to silence critics of Israel’s war crimes and extermination agenda in the past. But over time, it has lost its potence and this time people are fearlessly and powerfully calling out Israel’s war crimes, irrespective of name-calling and baseless accusations. Yet this is how ridiculous the discourse has become in this civilisation right now. Israel wants to murder upwards of five million Palestinians and if anyone objects they better shut up or Israel and its wilfully ignorant supporters will howl “anti-semitism” and threaten to put you in jail, blacklist you, make sure you lose your job, or prevent you from career opportunities in the future. To boost its popularity and achieve its extermination of the Palestinian people and destruction of the Gaza Strip and West Bank so neither are habitable, Israel has to resort to lies, propaganda, censorship, distorted narratives, threats, intimidation, violence, and using “anti-semitism” as this tool to silence, stifle and suffocate justified criticism and necessary dissent and to manipulate the discourse in its favour. Prominent Journalists and advocates for Palestine have been arrested by federal authorities in Britain and parts of Europe for their defence of the Palestinian people. That is how far gone “Western Democracies” are right now and it is doubtful they will return from this traversing into tyranny, totalitarianism and authoritarianism anytime soon.


Western Governments and media outlets recite exactly the same lines every time people protest against Israel’s war crimes and every time Israel commits war crimes. It would be funny seeing this play out if it was not so serious and dangerous for the people of Palestine and their allies in the region. On a daily basis, commentators, Journalists, Editors, Producers and Broadcasters in Australian media outlets fiercely defence Israel’s genocide in Gaza, ethnic cleansing of the West Bank and other atrocities across the region, and utterly refuse to back calls for a ceasefire and seem to want to see more babies, children and innocent men and women killed by Israel. Their abject support for Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians (and now Lebanese people) is relentless, ruthless and unhinged. This is how far Israel’s toxic reach has spread. But International Law and the Rules of Law are clear. Israel is not engaging in warfare. Israel is committing war crimes. Israel is not entitled to “self-defence”, because Israel’s idea of “self-defence” is having a “licence to kill” anything that moves and destroy anything that sustains and nourishes life in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. An occupying power does not have the right to defend itself from the people it is oppressing and killing. The people being occupied and murdered are legally required and morally obliged to defend themselves from being brutally and violently occupied. It’s Common Sense 101. “Resistance is duty”. Being “Jewish” doesn’t absolve you from being held accountable for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Israel denies the occupation, yet the Palestinian people are unable to move freely, live as an independent state, or enjoy all the civil liberties, human rights and opportunities that the rest of us enjoy. The second they try to live freely, they are shot and killed by Israel. Such has been the situation for this population for 76 years.


Yet the discourse has been flipped to sanctify the Israeli war criminals and demonise the Palestinian victims while labelling groups who defend the Palestinians as “terrorists”. Israel accuses Palestinians of that which it is guilty of: terror, rape, murder, genocide, extermination. International Law has been disregarded by Israel. Palestinians have a right to defend themselves from Israel’s attacks, terror, and occupation. Indeed, Palestine has a right to exist, as it did before the creation of the Jewish State and colonial subjugation was imposed on the people of Palestine. Palestine’s right to defend itself is a fact and in line with International Humanitarian Law. Something as simple as fishing and farming or playing on the beach sees Palestinians murdered by the Israelis. This has been Gaza for decades. The West Bank suffers an equivalent amount of murderous harassment, violence, kidnappings, and blood sport, where innocent human beings living their daily lives are so wilfully, callously and gleefully slaughtered by the IOF and harassed and tormented by Israeli settlers from around the world who fly in arrogantly assuming ownership of random pieces of land and stampede across the region, killing and tormenting Palestinians wherever they go, bulldozing Palestinians homes, communities and olive groves along the way. It really is an incredible state of affairs. Israel has been systematically and deliberately destroying the culture and heritage of Palestine and attempting to erase any signs of Palestinian identity from existence. Israel is on a mission of extermination and genocide and the West is helping with this horror show, accommodating this quest of elimination of Palestine from the globe and the map. America’s proxy, Israel, has been brutalising, terrorising, tormenting, imprisoning, torturing, raping, and murdering the Palestinian people for so long that it is no wonder resistance is borne out of this carnage, devastation, destruction, anguish and heart-break.


The fact is, the Palestinian people are entitled to resist the West and Israel’s terror and fight back against these barbaric war crimes. They are entitled to freedom, a fundamental human right. We should not be asking if someone “condemns Hamas” or “condemns Hezbollah”, resistance groups legally entitled to resist Israel’s occupation, oppression, suppression, and killings and defend the Palestinians, a population of people with “no army, navy or air force”, an utterly defenceless, unarmed population of people. People should be asking themselves if they condemn Israel’s war crimes and atrocities being inflicted on Palestinians. Does the West condemn Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity? Does the West condemn Israel torturing, raping and starving Palestinians in Israel’s jails? Does the West condemn Israel’s crimes against humanity being perpetrated against the Palestinian people across Gaza and the West Bank? Does the West condemn Israel’s atrocities against innocent civilians in Lebanon, Syria and Yemen? Does the West condemn Israel’s genocide and extermination of the Palestinian people? Does the West condemn Israel threatening Iran, a regional neighbour entitled to defend Palestine and Lebanon as it sees fit? Will the United Nations invoke the Genocide Convention and immediately save who and what’s left of Palestine and stop Israel once and for all? Or are Western politicians, media and the silent citizens, that blinded and blinkered by their own bigotry, racism, prejudice, and hatred, that extermination is now acceptable? Has slaughtering brown people become a spectator sport in the West, mere entertainment, commentated on by excited mainstream media outlets and supported, resourced and cheer leaded by sadistic politicians? When will they have had enough?


The fact is, International Law commands that the people of Palestine resist Israel’s brutal occupation. The propaganda and lies the general public are being manipulated into falling for distorts reality beyond recognition and makes a mockery of IHL, the Rules of War, so-called “Western Values” and “Democracy”, whatever that is meant to be, and Journalism and a free press. Right now, it is not Western Journalists revealing the truth about Israel and the horrors being inflicted on the ground in Gaza and the West Bank. Western mainstream Journalists have been lying and censoring the truth quite deliberately for twelve months. It is up to the Palestinian press, the Journalists of Gaza and the West Bank, using social media to tell their stories, who are alerting the world to the horrors Israel is subjecting Palestinians to. Thanks to Social Media, the whole world is seeing the truth playing out in front of them. The Palestinian Journalists are paying a very high price for getting the truth out to the world. More Journalists have been slaughtered by Israel in Palestine than in any conflict in our history. More aid workers have been murdered by Israel in Palestine than in any conflict in our history. More children have been slaughtered by Israel in Palestine than in any conflict in our history. Worse, Israel is deliberately targeting Journalists, Aid Workers and Children. Their “precision strikes” are designed to precisely target and eliminate those who are helping the people of Palestine and who are the future of Palestine. The “precision strikes” are not targeting “combatants”. They are targeting innocent civilians and babies. Israel is not a “democracy”, and its army is not a “moral army”. It is a decaying example of a pool of human depravity and barbarity gone evil and insane. Israel has behaved like a death cult, utterly de-legitimising its existence. Israel does not deserve statehood. It deserves punishment and condemnation. Palestine must be restored and the world must help rebuild Palestine for the Palestinian people. The murderers and maniacs of America’s proxy in the Middle East, Israel, have proven themselves to be a dangerous menace to this civilisation, and regional peace and harmony. It was never about creating a sanctuary for Jewish people. The intentions for the creation of Israel were far more sinister and we are now seeing it play out in gruesome ways.


Israel does not want the rest of the world to see the Palestinian people as human beings. In this way, it believes it will get away with these crimes against humanity. Israel does not want the rest of the world to understand, acknowledge and accept that Palestinians are entitled to have their human rights, civil liberties and dignity upheld and respected too, like every other population of people on Earth. Israel has granted itself a social licence to slaughter the Palestinian people and wipe out their homes, communities, culture, heritage, places of worship, and civilian infrastructure essential to sustain life. This is nothing new. America declared there are no “red lines” and this has resulted in every red line being crossed and the most appalling and horrendous acts being committed against the Palestinian people. Just when you thought Israel’s atrocities could not get any worse, they do. Palestinians’ lives fluctuate between war and massacres, and oppression and occupation. When Israel is not dropping American, British and German bombs on them using jets manufactured with parts from Australia and information provided from intelligence facilities in Australia, Israel is oppressing, occupying and randomly executing them and bulldozing their homes and livelihoods. Every aspect of their lives is controlled by Israel. Good luck getting into Gaza or the West Bank if you are from overseas. Then Israel dares to say “there was a ceasefire before October 7” as if everything was fine and normal for Palestinians. Time for the world to wake up to reality, truth and facts. There is only so much oppression one population can take before they fight back and are well and truly justified in doing so. Israel’s occupation and oppression of Palestinians is unjustifiable, barbaric, and illegal, but Palestinian resistance to Israel’s atrocities is well overdue, legal, moral, and essential.


Palestinians live under the constant threat of aggression and attack from Israel. Now, in partnership with its Western counterparts, sympathisers, supporters and death cheer squads, children, babies and premmies are not spared from Israel’s terror and lust to kill or from Western praise and encouragement. Israel seems to think that because it claims to be a “democracy”, that it gets a free pass. It reserves the right to kill, torture, starve, imprison, rape, torment, taunt, threaten, intimidate, and punish the Palestinian people and their allies and friends in the region, in media outlets, and in charity organisations, because it has decided that there will be no repercussions. Anyone who seeks justice for Palestine and accountability for Israel’s atrocities is threatened and silenced. The atrocities become more heinous, grievous and atrocious with each passing day and still Western leaders “stand with Israel” and support Israel’s “’right’ to defend itself”. Israeli settlers paraded around Israel and the West Bank with guns strapped to their bodies like wannabe serial killers late last year. The American bombs being dropped on Gaza and the West Bank are designed to obliterate the human body and everything else on the ground. Buildings are flattened and people and children are left in pieces.

This has been happening for nearly a year, hundreds of times a day, every day, for over 360 days. How crazy does a human being have to be to do this? How crazy does a human being have to be to support this? How crazy does a human being have to be to ignore this and sit in silence, bearing witness and saying nothing and doing nothing to stop Israel and its insane leader, Netanyahu? Netanyahu is far more evil than Hitler ever was. No-one in Gaza is spared from Israel’s Western-supplied and guided missiles. Netanyahu and Israelis see this bloodbath of innocent lives in Gaza and the West Bank as an achievement, but there is no glory in mass murder, death and destruction. Meanwhile, as the severity of the atrocities intensifies and accelerates, anyone who dares challenge Israel’s bloodbath in Palestine continues to get accused of “anti-semitism”, though the label has long lost its sting after nearly twelve months of children, babies and innocent civilians being exterminated by the Butcher of Gaza and the West Bank, Netanyahu and his side-kicks, Biden, Blinken and other weak, Western psychopaths, Starmer, Albanese, and so on. Now they are trying to shut down protests in Australia, like overseas, where protesters have been met with police brutality and thuggery. Democracy is no longer welcome in Australia, Democracy is an inconvenience, an irritant, an infection to be cleaned out of society. Democracy allows dissent and discourse, and dissent and discourse is no longer welcome in Australian society while nations are being bombed out of existence by Israel with the support and resources of Western Governments. Challenging Israel’s genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine and annihilation of Lebanon is a hindrance that the Australian authorities want eliminated from society. In this way, Israel can carry on with its genocide and crimes against humanity knowing no-one from the West is going to get in the way or stop them.


Meanwhile, Israel finances junkets for politicians in Western Governments and propagandists in Western media so that they can be brainwashed and manipulated into preaching Israel’s lies and distortions of reality, participate in Israel’s propaganda campaign and downplay Israel’s horrors in Gaza and the West Bank. The Jewish State is a death cult, potentially the largest and most deadly death cult to have ever existed. Yet to deny that Israel is committing war crimes and grave atrocities against the Palestinian people is to deny the very humanity of the Palestinian people. It diminishes their human rights and civil liberties. It means denying reality, in itself. To deny Israel’s atrocities means dehumanising Palestinian people in a way not seen since Hitler embarked on a similar mission against the Jewish people in Germany. Now we see Israel mimicking Hitler’s playbook to get away with a similar mission of extermination, but this time, it’s the Jewish State attempting to wipe out the state of Palestine and commit genocide, ethnic cleansing, forced displacement, forced starvation, extermination, and a vast array of unimaginable horrors and terror that most of us could never have imagined human beings were capable of doing. Israel’s loudest and most feverish support comes from Germany, which is quite shocking. Germany seems to always side with the oppressor and killers. The difference between Hitler’s Germany and Netanyahu’s Israel is that Israel has been committing these atrocities, war crimes and terrorist acts against the Palestinian people for far longer than Hitler ever did. In fact, Israel’s toxic reach goes further. It has even attacked neighbouring Lebanon over the decades, leaving it in ruins and of course, this time is no different. It is incomprehensible how long this has been happening for. Israel has been emboldened and encouraged over decades to commit violent, murderous, and obscene acts that become even more atrocious, heinous, depraved, maniacal, and horrific each time. The spread of disease adds to Israel’s glee at seeing its extermination efforts succeed. To this day, Israel has not been held accountable for this grave injustice that has been perpetrated against the Palestinian people over decades. Israel has even blocked humanitarian aid from reaching the starving and dying population of Palestine. Hundreds of trucks denied entry each day while innocent civilians cry out for food, water, medicine and help. Innocent people calling out to this civilisation for our humanity to shine and mercy be shown. But shockingly no humanity and no mercy is extended to the people of Palestine from the Western world or from Israel.

Why this has occurred is a question that will echo through the ages and mystify, frustrate, and infuriate generations to come for centuries, for all time. It is baffling for those of us living through this why there is complete silence around the seriousness of Israel’s atrocities. It is the shame of our civilisation that Israel has been allowed to get away with this for so long. This civilisation has failed the Palestinian people and inflicted deep wounds on our very humanity and compromised the very essence of our collective consciousness. We are diminished by our failure to act to defend the people of Palestine and Lebanon. We have failed as a civilisation and as human beings if we do not immediately and relentlessly demand and ensure Palestine’s unconditional, irrevocable and universally acknowledged right to self-determination, dignity, freedom, human rights, independence, and sovereignty are permanently upheld, protected, guarded, and preserved. No-one is free until Palestine is free. No human rights matter until the human rights of the people of Palestine are guaranteed, entrenched in law, and respected. Human rights are meaningless while the people of Palestine live under Israel’s brutal occupation and while they are enduring genocide, ethnic cleansing and extermination, in plain sight. What was their crime? What did the Palestinian people do wrong? They dared to challenge Israel’s authority and brutal, oppressive regime. They dared to resist being permanently and illegally occupied while living under siege. They dared to fight for their freedom and rights. Freedom that is a basic human right afforded to every human being on Earth. Why are the Palestinians exempt from having their human rights upheld? Why are they denied dignity, peace and independence? Their punishment for refusing to tolerate a world where they must live in fear and danger has been to be bombed out of existence by America, its proxy Israel and their Western backers. But until Palestine lives in peace and freedom, Israel will never know peace and security.


It is all very well to talk about common sense matters of sovereignty, peace and freedom for Palestine. These should not be contentious matters. They should be a given for any population on Earth, including and especially Palestine. After all, every other population on Earth enjoys basic freedoms, human rights, autonomy and liberation from the grip of a murderous occupying power of an invading entity, armed and resourced by foreign criminal powers. Where this is not the case, the global community takes action in the International Courts to bring the oppressors to justice and ensure freedom and human rights for the oppressed. But the reality for Palestinians is that the State of Palestine has been reduced to rubble, killing fields and a wasteland, while the Israeli regime carries out its crimes with utter, inexplicable impunity. Over nearly twelve months, tens of thousands of missiles have rained down on the Gaza Strip, like something out of a dystopian horror film. Not even Orwell could have imagined the horrors human beings could be capable of or the horrors Israel is carrying out in Palestine. Several hundred missiles a day dropped on a population of what was 2.5 million people, half of whom are children, in a small region of the world. Israel, playing a sick cat and mouse game, directing the Palestinian people to flee here and there, this “safe zone” and that “safe zone”, only to be blown up anywhere and everywhere they go. Stay, go, they are killed regardless. A captive population chased back and forth by Israel’s blizzard of America’s bombs and missiles. Israel shows no mercy, spares no life, nor complies with any laws, rules, morals or standards. Israel celebrates death, destruction, rape, torture and suffering. Small children losing lives and limbs every day are seen as an accomplishment and achievement. This is not combat. This is not war. This is an attack on unarmed, defenceless men, women, children and babies. Israel is punishing small children for existing. With each death, the killers and war criminals in the IOF and in Israel rejoice that it is mainly women and children who they are killing, with the blessing, encouragement, resources and arms of the West, for they are the future of Palestine, but also the ones to blame for the birth of the resistance. The logic is fascinating and macabre.


“The West”, the so-called guardians of democracy, human rights, civil liberties, peace, freedom, sanctuary and opportunity, social justice, culture, the arts, knowledge, architecture, and history, our natural environment, progress and advancement, dismisses the whole thing as a necessary consequence of the actions of the Palestinian people and their leadership for daring to challenge the occupation, resist Israel’s oppression, and fight for long-overdue freedom. At the start of this latest round of madness, the American fascist President Joe Biden declared there were “no red lines” Israel could cross, thus granting Israel carte-blanche licence to kill everyone at will and with impunity and cause as much destruction as it wanted. This in turn led the way for the most barbaric atrocities of our time to take place in Gaza and the West Bank. It led the way for Gaza to be wiped off the map. Hospitals filled with defenceless, sick, unarmed, and dying patients – bombed by Israel. Schools filled with children and civilians sheltering from the bombs – bombed by Israel. Refugee camps filled with families and civilians finding safety away from the bombs – bombed by Israel. Places of worship filled with frightened and desperate unarmed and defenceless civilians – bombed by Israel. Hundreds of Gaza’s schools, hospitals and places of worship filled with defenceless, unarmed civilians – bombed by Israel. Similar atrocities are occurring in the West Bank and Lebanon. All the rules of war have been utterly erased from history by Israel’s illegal, disproportionate and unjustified actions in Gaza and the West Bank. The benchmark has been set by Israel. There are no rules of war and no international laws that it will comply with. If Israel is exempt, every nation on Earth is now exempt. This dangerous precedent has been set. Palestinians are being ruthlessly, relentlessly and mercilessly exterminated for fighting for the rights, freedoms and independence the rest of us take for granted and presume to be a given for all sovereign populations on Earth. Palestinians refused to live without freedom, now they are being punished and exterminated from our Planet. Why have the Palestinian people been denied this basic right since 1948, when they endured the Nakba and were killed and displaced by Israel and dispossessed by their lands? This is a question that must be answered by those supplying and dropping the bombs. What motivates their murderous malevolence and unhinged hatred for the innocent people of Palestine? Why is the Western world doing this and supporting Israel’s war crimes, in direct contravention of our values, beliefs, laws, morals, standards, ethics and sense of decency, mercy and humanity?


What is the West doing about this grave injustice, heinous crimes against humanity and gross human rights abuses and violations that Israel is committing against the Palestinian people? The Palestinian people have sent out repeated SOS signals to the world, begging, pleading, screaming for help, while being murdered, starved, dehydrated and denied medical care right before our eyes. At best, the West turns a blind eye and stays silent, too afraid or too bigoted and racist to speak up. At worst, the West is promoting, endorsing, supporting, financing, arming and applauding Israel’s genocide and ethnic cleansing of Gaza and the West Bank, two regions that mark what remains of the glorious nation state of Palestine. Western politicians shamefully refuse to acknowledge that war crimes and genocide is occurring. Media promotes Israel’s genocide as “self-defence”. Most Western Governments refuse to join South Africa’s case against Israel in the International Court of Justice. Such cowardice from those Western nations is shameful. Every day, we see shocking images coming out of Gaza and the West Bank. Sadly, these images only come to us through social media and not traditional media outlets, who are running a protection racket for the Netanyahu Regime and his cowardly, bloodthirsty Western backers. Western politicians willfully choose to support these atrocities. It is a dark day for Democracy in the West when Israel’s atrocities are being defended, rather than condemned, while the groups and nations fighting for Palestines’ human rights, freedom and dignity are being condemned. Israel has hijacked the discourse, hamstrung common sense on this issue and stifled human nature. Yet the Western world has been silent for decades. For example, Israel has been encroaching more and more on Palestinian territory in defiance of International Humanitarian Law and the Rules of War and the West has done nothing except issue meek, inconsequential reprimands from the United Nations. Israel has used this attack on Palestine as an opportunity to encroach more and more on Palestinian territory in the West Bank. Yet again, the West makes weak utterances that mean little and achieve nothing for the people of Palestine continuing to be forcibly displaced from their homes and slaughtered. The West is no longer the role model for morality, law, values, and human rights. The West has shown itself to be just another example of fascism, tyranny and authoritarianism. A madness has swept the leadership of the West and it is having devastating consequences for the Palestinian people. What sickening motivation is feeding the West’s lust for blood? All logic and reason has evaporated from the psyche of those in leadership, media and prominent positions in society abjectly defending Israel’s extermination and genocide of the Palestinian people.


As for the citizenry across the West, the ridiculous propaganda we are expected to buy into would be amusing if it was not so tragic and devastating for the Palestinian people. For Western citizens to swallow the lies we are being fed, and accept the censorship from complicit media outlets, is very disappointing. When this all began, we were fed a trillion lies and people actually believed it. Lies going back 75 years. Outright lies that get deliberately repeated by media outlets and politicians as the absolute truth even though everyone knows they are complete falsehoods. This was Propaganda 101 in action and Israel had assumed authority over the discourse so that it would get away with genocide and fulfill its Extermination Agenda, unhindered and unobstructed. But fortunately, there are enough people in the West willing to dig deeper and investigate further and with the presence of mind to find out what they really meant when the headlines screamed the most appalling falsehoods, lies and propaganda every day for the past twelve months. Those people sent letters to their politicians, contacted media outlets demanding better and marched the streets in the hope that the situation would change and there would be an immediate and permanent ceasefire and Palestinians would be granted the freedom and sovereignty they are entitled to. Twelve months later, we are still marching demanding the prioritisation of Palestinian human life, peace, and freedom over Israel’s sickening and brutal occupation, killing spree and Extermination Agenda in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon.


Examples of Israel’s lies, propaganda and misinformation abound across the media and are still repeated even when these lies have been comprehensively disproven. For instance, when they said they were going to “destroy Hamas”, they did not say that Israel was in fact going to destroy Gaza and obliterate every building, mosque, church, hospital, school, and refugee camp and all the civilian infrastructure up and down the strip. They did not say they would be playing a cat and mouse game with the Palestinian people, saying, “You’ll be safe there”, then blowing up “there”. All of this in deliberate defiance of International Humanitarian Law and the Rules of War. When Palestinians returned to the rubble that was once their home, the missiles returned to kill the survivors. Bombs are continuing to rain down on Gaza at a point in time when all that is left is rubble and shells of buildings sheltering unarmed, wounded civilians and starving, dehydrated, defenceless, and sick children and babies, orphans without parents, parents without children. Yet Israel continues to drop bombs and America continues to supply the missiles. Such is the extent of the utter murderous psychosis consuming Israel, America and their Western supporters in governments and mouthpieces in mainstream media outlets across the West world who promote the genocide and censor the extent of the depravity and the war crimes Israel is committing. This is a murderous madness never seen before in the modern era or previously. In the meantime, the media did not say they were going to forcibly displace the Palestinian people out of the West Bank and ethnically cleanse what remains of Palestine, while distracting the world with the atrocities in the Gaza Strip. They did not say they were going to complete their illegal invasion of Palestine and attempt to either kill or forcibly displace the millions of Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank, while denying the Palestinian people who survived, innocent, unarmed civilians and babies, life-saving aid, shelter, care, support, food, water, hygiene facilities, and medicine. They did not say Israel was going to commit blatant and heinous war crimes to complete this objective and would threaten, intimidate and harass anyone that got in their way or challenged their actions in international courts of law. They did not say the Gaza Strip would be subjected to an avalanche of missiles raining down on their homeland every hour of every day of every week of every month for nearly twelve months. They said they were “destroying Hamas”. They never explained that Hamas is a resistance group fighting for Palestine’s freedom, self-determination and sovereignty and protected by International Law and entitled to resist Israel’s occupation. In fact, Israel is the evil, terrorist entity at work here, exterminating the Palestinian people while making the Gaza Strip uninhabitable and ethnically cleansing the West Bank, bulldozing and destroying buildings and essential civilian infrastructure. Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, a war crime, crimes against humanity, punishable in the International Court of Justice. Israel’s war crimes are endless and their lies are relentless. When Israel said Palestinians were “human animals”, they were talking about a captive population, living in an open-air concentration camp controlled by Israel, filled with innocent human beings and babies guided by faith, hope, dignity, and dreams of freedom and peace. The media did not tell people that Israel are the war criminals and Israel are the monsters in this situation. The media did not tell the world that America’s proxy, Israel, is the bad guy, and the Palestinians are the good guys. When the media said “Hamas” were using Palestinians as “human shields”, they provided no evidence or sensible arguments for such a claim. In fact, over the course of the past twelve months, only Israel has been seen to use Palestinians as “human shields”. “Human shields” is the most inhumane argument one can use as an excuse to massacre innocent men, women and children. It is simply nonsensical and unacceptable, especially to Westerners who have grown up with values that encompass saving lives at all costs, no matter what. “Human shields” was just a sick reason Israel gave to advance its killing spree and further its Extermination Agenda. It is not a valid argument. It simply enabled genocide.


Thus, we have since discovered what they really meant back on 7th October, 2023, when they acted all shocked and surprised by Hamas’s retaliatory attack, 76 years in the making. Israel lives in this bubble of militantism, tyranny, bloodlust, and murderous fascism. A death cult obsessed with murder, rape, torture and destruction. When the Palestinians had enough of the oppression, killings, kidnappings, and destruction, Israel and their co-conspirators in Western Governments and media embarked on the largest propaganda exercise we have seen since mid-last century to facilitate, co-ordinate, resource, finance, and enable a genocide and extermination of an entire civilian population. Thus “destroying Hamas” was code for destroying Gaza and wiping the Gaza Strip off the map and tearing the heart out of Palestine and the soul out of our civilisation. While they distracted media with the most catastrophic bombing campaign ever seen in history, they proceeded to continue to ethnically cleanse the West Bank, using opportunistic violence to encroach further and further into Palestinian territory. Emboldened by Western support and indignation at retaliatory acts of violence against Israel, the Jewish State continues to attack the West Bank, with utter disregard for International Law and without any effective condemnation from the West. “Israel says so” is no longer a valid justification for its atrocities committed across Palestine and the region. There has not been a shred of evidence presented to justify Israel’s attacks nor proportionality shown.


Naturally, all of Israel’s actions is a breach of International Law. All of Israel’s actions is illegal as it is an occupier and is not permitted under International Law to carry out such heinous acts of violence. Yet Israel gets away with it. Shamefully raising the spectre of Hitler and using “anti-semitism” as a weapon of war to silence critics and continue mercilessly slaughtering innocent civilians, journalists and aid workers, with macabre glee. In fact, Hitler would be taking notes from Netanyahu right now. No-body does genocide, ethnic cleansing, and extermination better than the Jewish State. Israel cynically denies that what they are doing is genocide, ethnic cleansing and extermination, while at the same time holding up maps with Palestine missing and “Greater Israel” in its place because “God gave it to them”. Netanyahu actually expects praise and accolades for Israel’s genocide, extermination and ethnic cleansing of Palestine. While in America, the politicians applauded Netanyahu as he delivered a speech bragging about his war crimes and crimes against humanity. A shockingly dark day for America’s democracy and republic. When he recently returned to America again, he ordered a bombing campaign against Lebanon from the United Nations headquarters in New York City. An appalling and horrendous war crime. Such is the Orwellian and dystopian nature of what is occurring right now. The American Regime has supplied most of the missiles to the Israeli Regime to carry out its genocide with. America is complicit in Genocide. Mainstream media organisations across America and the West are complicit in Israel’s genocide and war crimes. Western governments supporting the genocide are complicit in Israel’s war crimes. Yet it speaks to the degree of dehumanisation of Palestinians that has occurred and the toxic influence the Zionist lobby has across the West, that Israel, America, England and Germany could take it this far and cause this much damage on an innocent civilian population. Israel is still going, still bombing schools, cafes and health facilities, in Gaza, the West Bank and also Lebanon, with no end in sight to the bloodshed, madness and lust for blood.


But the missiles have only done a partial job at extermination, that is, destroying most buildings thus making the Gaza Strip uninhabitable and killing as many people as they can, while wounding and permanently injuring tens of thousands of others. Many other weapons of war have been effective in Israel’s genocide. Achieving genocide is not just about slaughtering the population, it is also about destroying everything necessary to sustain, nurture, nourish, protect and tend to life in that society.


Israel has used forced starvation and deprivation of basic necessities and access to health care as a weapon of war. This has caused civilians to die from starvation and for diseases to become prevalent across the strip. Premmies were denied oxygen, milk and life-saving care and left to die in front of the world. Eight billion people on Earth simply watched over thirty babies, defenceless, helpless, utterly reliant on the grown-ups in the room for survival, love and care, die horrible, senseless, awful, preventable deaths. On two separate occasions, Israel prevented help getting to the babies. So the babies died. They were then denied a dignified burial. Not a single nation or person on Earth came to help the innocent babies. Babies. Israel killed babies. Literally thousands of babies have been slaughtered by Israel in the past twelve months. Thousands of babies. Not even a year old. Innocent, pure, defenceless. Israel’s war crimes and lunacy is never-ending and deeply disturbing. The death toll for infants in Gaza is horrifying. The whole nonsensical “human shields” argument simply does not wash in that scenario. Yet Israel still receives Western support. By killing babies, the future for Palestine was gone.


Israel used propaganda and lies as a weapon of war to dehumanise the Palestinian people so no-one would complain about the atrocities it was carrying out. They threatened media and governments who dared to criticise Israel or dared to fight back. Israel’s mission was clear. There would be no Palestine left by the time this wave of war crimes and crimes against humanity was over. It was remarkably easy for Israel to advance its Extermination Agenda.


Israel slaughtered Palestine’s babies, so there’d be no future.

Israel slaughtered Palestine’s mothers, so there’d be no present, no joy, no laughter, no comfort.

Israel slaughtered Gaza’s Journalists, so there would be no record of what they did and as punishment.

Israel slaughtered Gaza’s paramedics, so there would be no one to rescue people and help people.

Israel slaughtered Gaza’s families, so there would be no-one left who belonged to Gaza.

Israel slaughtered Gaza’s Doctors & Nurses, so there would be no-one to tend to the sick, injured, wounded, frail, disabled, young, old, and dying.

Israel slaughtered Gaza’s teachers so there would be no-one left to offer education, knowledge, and hope to the children and memories of what Palestine was, what Gaza once was.

Israel slaughtered Gaza’s professionals so there would be no-one there to offer invaluable services to the community.

Israel slaughtered Gaza’s academics, so there would be no-one left to document history, pass on knowledge and wisdom, preserve culture and heritage, and inform the world about what was happening.

Israel slaughtered Palestine’s poets, writers, artists, and musicians so there would be no-one left to inspire, captivate, enlighten, reflect, entertain, and dream.


Israel destroyed mosques, the sacred heart of Gaza.

Israel destroyed markets, the beating heart of Gaza.

Israel destroyed hospitals, the healing heart of Gaza.

Israel destroyed schools, where the seeds of the future are planted, dreams & ambitions are created, learning happens, and potential reached.

Israel destroyed refugee camps, the sanctuaries of Gaza.

Israel destroyed farms and slaughtered fishermen, the places and people that sustained Gaza.

Israel destroyed their homes, the place where life is created, nurtured, nourished, enjoyed & where life flourishes.

Israel cut off life support, fuel, food, water, hygiene infrastructure, internet, and electricity, so the region would be uninhabitable and squalid.

Israel destroyed roads, making travel impossible and fleeing missile attacks and seeking medical help arduous and challenging.

Israel destroyed ambulances, making it impossible for people to receive help and heal.

Israel destroyed Gaza, so they could seize and capture the region for themselves.

The mission was clear, ethnic cleansing and it was fulfilling its Extermination Agenda very efficiently.


So when Israel and Western politicians said they were going to "destroy Hamas", what they really meant was destroy Gaza and wipe out the Palestinian population. It was code for the collective punishment and persecution of Palestinians, simply for being Palestinian. In over eleven months and 75 years, we have all witnessed the most appalling crimes against humanity and war crimes. Israel has gone down in history as one of the most murderous, genocidal regimes in history. The multitude of gruesome reasons for this genocide and ethnic cleansing will become apparent over time. The grotesque motivations behind Zionism and what Zionism really represents will be revealed over time. The truth will be told eventually. That so many died for so little and for such a barbaric endeavour will be the shame of this civilisation for all time.


But we now know for sure, it was never about Hamas. It was never about preserving the two-state solution. It was about Zionism, and the expansion of the Jewish State at the expense of the nation of Palestine. Zionism and the two-state solution are two mutually exclusive concepts. “Destroying Hamas” was just the excuse Israel gave the West to gain permission for this killing spree, these war crimes and these crimes against humanity. Atrocities that Israel has been committing against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank over decades. This time so barbaric, blatant & audacious. This time for the whole world to see. This time more horrific and depraved than anything we have ever witnessed. For we have witnessed genocide, ethnic cleansing and the extermination of the Palestinian people.


Israel and the West, America, parts of Europe, the UK and Australia did all this, inflicted all this death, destruction, relentless bombing, suffering, sorrow, anguish & grief so that Palestinians would surrender or die. So that they would leave their homes, families and communities. But they could not even flee because Israel closed the borders and no-one, not a single nation on Earth, demanded the land and sea borders be re-opened so those who wished to flee for safe haven elsewhere could. But Palestinians had more heart, spirit, courage and strength than that. They stayed in their homeland and never left. They were Palestinians and they died in Palestine. They did not surrender. Those who remain will not surrender. Those who could, returned to their homes, and started living again, because Palestine is where they belong. Palestine is their home and Palestine belongs to the Palestinian people. Palestine has emerged stronger and the people more determined and courageous than ever before. No longer afraid, their faith and spirit endures. Their courage, spirit and legacy will live on and inspire generations to come to keep fighting for their homeland, for justice, peace and truth, and to free Palestine from Israel’s oppression, occupation, terror, and aggression, once and for all. Israel’s Extermination Agenda failed.


How did Israel, America and the West do it? When history looks back, it will be regarded as a textbook case of genocide with each step carefully enacted and followed by all key players, while the majority of the citizens of the West and Arab World merely went about their days, without a care in the world. Either willfully ignorant or did not care about the the loss of life, destruction of place, scholasticide, culturicide, ethnocide, and geronticide. All living things deliberately targeted and killed, or tortured, beaten, traumatised, raped, and then killed, or made to witness family members being executed. The largest number of child amputees in the world now reside in Gaza with little access to medical help, family support or hope. All buildings representing culture, heritage, knowledge, learning, faith, healing, commercial enterprise, markets, farming, burial places, have been deliberately wiped out. All civilian infrastructure designed to protect, sustain and nurture life from clean water to hygiene facilities, roads and telecommunications, have all been systematically and purposefully destroyed. Every living thing has been targeted, every other thing required to nurture and protect life has been targeted. Nearly all the homes across the Gaza Strip have been destroyed. While all that is happening, the West Bank is being invaded by savage Israeli settlers, further reducing Palestinian territory while increasing the rapidly rising death toll. One look at the definition of genocide tells you that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian people. Yet the Genocide Convention still hasn’t been invoked by the United Nations. What value do we place on the lives of the Palestinian people? When does the world stop Israel from pursuing its Extermination Agenda?


How has Israel achieved this much death and destruction, resulting in Genocide?



Well, firstly, missiles on tap from America, Britain and Germany, but mostly America. There has been no atrocity too heinous and barbaric to stop America’s bloodthirsty participation in Israel’s genocidal actions, nor deter Western support of Israel’s Extermination Agenda and Genocide in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. Everything America preaches and claims to stand for is blatant hypocrisy and lies. America is just as murderous, barbaric and tyrannical as the autocratic and fascist regimes it lectures and criticises. It is impossible to take America seriously anymore. It plays “peace maker” in the Middle East between Palestine and Israel, while giving Israel thousands and thousands of bombs to drop on Gaza and the West Bank and participating in wholesale slaughter of the citizens of Gaza. This is sheer lunacy.



Secondly, you will never see criticism of Israel published in a mainstream media outlet as it will be derided as “anti-semitic”. Secrecy and silencing critics is key when carrying out human rights violations and crimes against humanity. Israel learnt from the best, Hitler’s Germany, how to control the dialogue, hijack the discourse, infiltrate the influential institutions and governments, and manipulate the masses into believing your lies, propaganda and distorted version of reality. Watching Netanyahu makes me wonder if he thinks it is still the 1940s and the people do not have access to other forms of information and news. For those who have been called “anti-semitic” numerous times these past eleven months and prior, in fact, it has been a sign of how powerful, authentic, effective, and true this advocacy for Palestine has been. In fact, it is quite sickening to be able to function in this society as though everything is normal, while loudly objecting to Israel’s genocide and the Australian Government’s support of Israel’s murderous mission, at regular protests. Given politicians and mainstream media outlets now kneel at the altar of Jewish Supremacy, all mainstream media institutions toe the pro-Israel, pro-Genocide, pro-war crimes, pro-ethnic cleansing line. Even social media, such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, is controlled by Zionists. Regularly, pro-Palestine accounts are censored. It is incredible that in the 21st century, we still face censorship and challenges in getting the whole truth and the whole story out to the people. If you happen to be in the public eye and you dare to criticise Israel, Israel’s henchmen will see to it that you lose your job and livelihood and some pro-Israel cultists will even threaten your life with bombs, while also resorting to intimidation, violence, harassment, threats and dragging you to court. It is like the 1930s and 1940s all over again, except this time, a different group is being targeted, slaughtered and silenced and the devastation is far more wide-reaching. Speaking out against Israel’s war crimes and ongoing violations of International Humanitarian Law comes at a very heavy price. But it is a price worth paying for the world to know the truth about what is going on and how it is happening. They can punish freedom of speech, and monopolise the headlines with propaganda and misinformation, but they cannot ever silence or eliminate the truth or destroy the resistance.



Of course, at its heart lies the power struggle between resource-rich Arab nations and the Americans, in partnership with its proxy, Israel, who are trying to steal the resources that Arab nations rightfully own, in their lands, on their shores, in their region of the world. But that situation is for another time. It merely speaks to how dangerous and incompatible with peace and global stability the American and Israeli criminal regimes are. The most imminent threat to world peace is America and Israel. The rest of the world should wake up and take notice, or deal with the consequences.



Before discussing the steps involved in Genocide, there is one initial step absent from the literature and research that Israel has been remarkably adept at. That step is portraying yourself as the “only democracy” thus granting yourself social licence to kill at will and with impunity because they are all “terrorists” or “enemies”. Thus there are “no red lines”. Even small children and unarmed adults are “terrorists” or somehow “responsible” and deserve to be punished and killed. Apparently, murdering “terrorists” without evidence, due process, or a fair trial is acceptable in “Democracies”, even if these so-called “terrorists” are unarmed, defenceless, injured, begging for mercy, waving white flags, or indeed, the most important one of all, not actually “terrorists”. Yet, labelling people “terrorists” without a shred of evidence backing this claim is important in getting away with war crimes, genocide and exterminating innocent people because you are persuading the public around the world that as the “only democracy”, you are fighting to protect something worth protecting and guarding. You are then able to portray any alleged threat to that apparent ideal as “terrorism”. This is a cunning trick to justify war crimes and extermination. It also does not take into account the reality on the ground for the Palestinian people (Please visit this website for the reality that Palestinians endure then ask yourself, “What would I do in that situation?” Another question worth asking yourself is, “Are Palestinians entitled to live their lives their way, free from Israel’s occupation, oppression and violence? What would I do if I was part of that captive population?”)


Yet Israel has been promoting this idea that democracies and Western Governments are not capable of genocide, ethnic cleansing, oppression, war crimes or crimes against humanity. Israel even denies the occupation and claims that any act of violence it commits against the Palestinian people is “self-defence” and justified. Distorting the narrative in such a perverse way that it successfully persuades Western governments and citizens that carrying out a genocide is simply “self-defence” takes war propaganda to a whole new dystopian dimension. But it is working in manipulating and brainwashing Western politicians, mainstream media and significant institutions in society. Or is it? It makes one wonder if they really believe their own lies, or if they just do not care about Palestinian lives and are happy for the genocide to take place and for Israel to successfully complete its Extermination Agenda. Just this weekend the national newspaper in Australia and a British newspaper continue to distract their audiences and readers from the reality on the ground in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon, and choose to paint Israel as “the victim”. This is even though Israel is inflicting collective punishment on millions of Palestinians, has slaughtered hundreds of thousands in the past twelve months, and has destroyed almost every dwelling, building, school, hospital, church and piece of critical infrastructure necessary to sustain life, while blocking aid from getting in and hospitals from operating for the sick, injured, wounded and dying. These media outlets still expect us to believe the Exterminator is the victim. It is unbelievable how far they are twisting and distorting the narrative to protect Israel so it can continue its Extermination Agenda and Crimes Against Humanity. Are the mainstream media that blinded by their own bigotry and hate that they really do support Israel’s genocide, while utterly disregarding ethics and truth in Journalism?


Thus, all the Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, Yemeni, Iranian and Iraqi victims have is outspoken Westerners’ intellect to try to bring peace to the region and freedom, self-determination, autonomy, and safety to the citizens of Palestine, while navigating this landscape of tortured logic, mental gymnastics, propaganda, lies, and misinformation. It is crucial to recognise, understand and appreciate that it does not matter what political ideals the leadership of a country espouses. If that leadership is slaughtering innocent civilians in a methodical, deliberate, intentional, purposeful, and calculated way, strategically and deliberately targeting the most vulnerable and the ones who are not even involved in the fight, it is genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. This is what Israel has been doing. It has not engaged in armed combat with other armed soldiers. It has dropped tens of thousands of bombs on kids and families, then lied to the press about the target. It is Extermination and it is a violation of the rules of war and International Humanitarian Law. Israel must be held accountable for these atrocities in the International Courts. Israel is guilty of war crimes and genocide. Recently, Israel well and truly crossed the boundaries between war crimes and terrorism when it launched a large-scale terrorist attack using bombs planted in pagers belonging to innocent Lebanese civilians and authorities. Israel took it to a whole new extreme, carrying out actual acts of terror against innocent civilians in Lebanon, planting and detonating thousands of bombs, infiltrating global supply chains to achieve this heinous objective, like seasoned terrorists launching an initial attack, then a secondary attack targeting funerals. This crosses every red line imaginable and yet the media continue to run a protection racket around Israel and as far as is known, no investigation has taken place to ensure the global supply chains are secure and this can never happen again. If Israel can hijack global supply chains to plant bombs, any regime can. Israel has not been held accountable nor has it been condemned for this heinous act of terrorism. The world had entered a very dark and bleak age. This sort of barbarism and terrorism from Israel takes mankind backwards and modern civilisation has lost its way.



Israel repeating excuses about “combatants”, “militia” or “terrorists” being in the area every time it commits another heinous war crime or act of terror, will not be accepted by a court of law. The law only allows for civilian casualties or “collateral damage” if fighting is occurring in the vicinity. People going about their daily lives are not targets in a war zone and combatants who are not fighting at that given moment are not targets in a war zone. Targeting non-combatants is a war crime. Israel has deliberately targeted non-combatants. Israel has breached the bounds of common sense, morality, legality and decency, and what is considered acceptable, normal behaviour in a war. Israel does not deserve to exist when it thrives on terrorism and mass murder. Israel’s arguments about combatants are mostly nonsense, outright lies. Israel bombing entire residential blocks to get to one “terrorist” is a war crime. We know enemy combat in the true sense of the word has not been the case in Gaza and the West Bank. Lebanon is different. Israel has been left to scurry away on the ground in Lebanon due to the utter ineptitude of the IDF in engaging in real combat. Anyone can drop a bomb from the sky. Very few people are skilled, gallant, courageous warriors on the ground. Lebanon has warriors. The IDF are useless cowards and bearing the cost of their ineffectiveness. From the sky, Israel can carry out its crimes against humanity with remarkable efficiency thanks to America, Britain and Germany supplying the missiles. Israel has just dropped the equivalent of two nuclear bombs on the Gaza Strip. Israel expects the world to believe every hospital, school, mosque, church, piece of civilian infrastructure, man, woman, child, toddler and baby were all “legitimate targets” and “terrorists”. This is outrageous at best, complete depravity and psychotic at worst. The International Court of Justice has been alerted to the case and still refuses to issue arrest warrants for the war criminals in Israel, America, England, and Germany who are responsible for this horror in Gaza and the West Bank. While the West may call the violence from the resistance a “threat to democracy”, thus “justifying” its own violence as “protecting democracy”, the truth is the resistance is fighting for its people’s own freedom just as Israel and the West enjoy freedom. Democracy should be about acknowledging everyone deserves freedom and sovereignty and doing everything we can to make it happen. The West should be on Palestine’s side if Western values are to mean anything at all. Fighting for freedom and challenging obstacles to that freedom is resistance. It is not “terrorism”. It never has been, it never will be. It is resistance and it is legal. Palestine’s resistance to Israel has been and always will be legal and obligatory. Israel’s failure to see that proves its claim to be a “democracy” is not borne out in practice, as we witness Israel’s fascism, militantism, occupation, oppression, and countless massacres and war crimes committed over decades in Palestine. Standing in the way of the freedom of another sovereign population as Israel has done in Palestine simply proves Israel is breaking International Law and is not a “democracy” and its army is not a “moral army”. Israel is a criminal, oppressive regime and its actions in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon are inexcusable and unjustified. Israel must be held accountable.


Ideals and values the West preaches to the rest of the world should be available for all the citizens of the Earth, and not remain privileges reserved for the citizenry of the West. These ideals and values should certainly not be dependent on the West’s permission. You should not need the West’s permission to be a free, sovereign population. You should simply be an independent population enjoying autonomy and independence. Palestine’s freedom is not Israel’s decision to make, or America’s. Why are Palestinians exempt from having this basic human right upheld? Israel and the West’s freedom should not come at the expense of anyone else’s civil liberties, human rights and sovereignty. The West is no better than fascist regimes if asserting their morality and superiority comes at the expense of the human lives and sovereignty of another nation and independent population of people. This is ludicrous, yet this is where we are at as a civilisation. Israel now reserves the right to commit genocide for the sake of its existence.


Do we as a society buy into the idea that this barbaric violence and murder is how we defend democracy and assert our existence? It is doubtful, but many are gullible and some are simply too invested in Israel’s genocide to take a moral, principled stand against Israel’s Extermination Agenda. There is a greater agenda at play, everything else is a lie and propaganda. Is this violence and ruthless killing spree and wave of destruction and senseless aggression really how democracy is protected, guarded and upheld? Of course not, once again, there is an agenda here and “defending Democracy” is not on the list. Is regarding one group’s freedom as a threat to be eliminated really acceptable to the world? I certainly don’t buy into the idea that defending democracy involves slaughtering civilians and babies in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq, or anywhere else on Earth. In fact, this is the very definition of undermining democracy and betraying our values. It is a conversation worth having as a society, as a democracy, as a civilisation, as a self-appointed advanced species on Earth. All other creatures kill for survival, America, Israel and the West kill humans for sport. That is not democracy, that is depraved. Animals are capable of mercy. America, Israel and the West have not shown a shred of mercy in Palestine, or anywhere else for that matter… If this is what Israel and the West have to do to protect what we have and what we stand for, then what we have and stand for is not worth protecting or defending. Yet, many have fallen for this idea that genocide and ethnic cleansing is the answer to upholding Israel’s values, asserting Israel’s authority, maintaining Israel’s superiority and supremacy, and addressing any perceived threats to Israel. Israel is carrying out terrorist attacks in Lebanon and Western Governments and mainstream media praise this underhanded and criminal madness. Israel has been an occupier for decades and Western Governments and mainstream media refuse to acknowledge it. Israeli settlements across the West Bank are illegal, yet no Western nations demand their immediate removal and take the necessary action against Israel in the International Courts. Thousands of Palestinians are held captive in Israel’s prisons, yet no Western nations demand their immediate release. So we embark on this journey of living with Israel’s terrorism, extermination, ethnic cleansing, and genocide, together, as a human civilisation of eight billion people, because Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Yemenis, Iranians, Iraqis, and whoever else America and Israel have in their sights, are not alone and they are not facing this sickening nightmare alone. This is a fight against America, Israel and the West’s toxic sickness threatening the soul of our civilisation.


Of course, it is much easier to persuade the public that people are evil if you spend years lying about their religion and their values. This is the biggest trick the West have used to persuade Westerners that everything will be fine because they are bad Muslims whose religion is a threat. Of course, this is nonsense but no-body ever bothers to publish the truth about Islam in mainstream media in this day and age. Nobody ever bothers to publish the truth that elected groups and recognised political parties in the Middle East are not terrorist organisations. They are legitimate groups in those territories posing no threat to us. The only threat comes from Israel, America and the West. The real terrorists on Earth are based in Israel, America and the West and we voted for them. The Middle East, China and Russia would be wise to declare the American, Israeli, British, German and Australian Regimes as terrorist organisations if they want to survive. As we have seen in Palestine, America and Israel will wipe out whole nations if they can get away with it.


Thus for now, genocide is seen as the answer to the apparent “problem” in the Middle East. But it should still take some persuading to convince the general public that mass murder of an entire population of people is acceptable. At least, normal people would have a major problem with it, even if it is on the other side of the world. It would strike the average normal person as being a fairly bad thing to do and that you really should not do it and if you do go ahead with it, then you are committing a violent and heinous act. So, there is a process to go through to get away with genocide for the ones who blindly adhere to the script and accept the propaganda and broadcast, publish, air and promote the propaganda, without scrutiny, empathy or compassion.



It all starts with classifying the target and ensuring they are treated in a derogatory and humiliating way. To effectively achieve the first step, you must assume complete control over the media, governments and institutions that would ordinarily hold higher standards in these matters, humane standards in these matters, an ethical code of conduct. The most important standard being brushed aside is telling the truth. Israel’s lies have been repeatedly broadcast, published and aired thousands of times and it could not be any easier for Israel to get away with these atrocities. Journalists and Politicians have not shown a shred of integrity, morality, professionalism, intelligence, or decency. It must be some form of brainwashing for seemingly sane people to condone, champion, promote, support, and justify Israel’s genocide, ethnic cleansing and extermination, without any kind of scrutiny whatsoever. It must also be some form of deep-seated racism, hatred, bigotry, and prejudice for those same politicians, mainstream media outlets and institutions to side with Israel’s war crimes and extermination, in Palestine and further afield across the Middle East. With the hatred entrenched and the public discourse firmly against Palestine and neighbouring countries, classification is easy. This separation, this demonisation and othering, grotesque labelling, creates a class of sub-human, leading to more prejudice, bigotry and hatred, and feeds the Israeli beast that is carrying out the war crimes, with Western support and encouragement.


Out of that quagmire of malice, murderous bloodlust, and viciousness comes the creation of “the enemy that must be destroyed”. Creating an illusion that the other group, Palestinians, are also an “existential threat” to your existence and your way of life, even in the absence of any evidence supporting this and even when faced with the evidence that you are the threat and this is clear deflection, and that your “way of life” is utterly barbaric and evil. While also completely ignoring the fact that all the Palestinians want is freedom and sovereignty, like every other population on Earth. Yet the narrative has become so distorted and devoid of any logic or reason that Israel has persuaded the world that freedom for Palestine means certain doom and death for Israel. An utterly ridiculous and baseless assertion. Nevertheless, the success of this manipulation relies on baked in prejudices, sheer stupidity in the populace, and an extreme lack of critical thinking. A long history of taunting, tormenting, judging and stereotyping one population of innocent people who simply exist was bound to be effective in enabling a genocide to occur unnoticed or, even worse, championed. Throw in the “terrorist” classification and you will get seemingly normal people joining the cheer squad for the death and destruction of an innocent population without a shred of convincing evidence backing their claims, because the evidence does not exist. In fact, the label “terrorist” is more appropriate for Israel and the West, but unfortunately, that connection takes a great deal of critical thinking and eliminating prejudices and hate for people who “don’t look or pray like us”. Considering a significant amount of people in the West subscribe to atheism, agnosticism or spiritualism, that could be quite an interesting conclusion to draw. However, it seems Christianity and the lust to kill goes hand-in-hand occasionally. Nevertheless, if you can persuade the politicians and people that that particular group’s existence, in itself, is “terrorism” and the governing resistance are “terrorists”, and the people who elected them are “terrorists”, you can get away with anything, all kinds of torture, cruelty, atrocities, death and destruction never seen before. In fact, you can even get away with carrying out terrorism… This is where Israel is at and what Israel has become: A Terrorist State committing Genocide.


Classification is a critical step in getting away with genocide and eliminating an entire culture and place. Successfully create an “us and them” dynamic, and you can murder, torture, torment, taunt, imprison and destroy as many of “them” as you like. Get that right, the rest of the steps just fall into place and before you know it, Planet Earth has lost its soul and a vital piece of the underlying fabric of our humanity and heart. As we have seen with Palestine, Israel has come out with many labels, “terrorists”, “human animals”, “anti-semites”, “anti-democracy”, “human shields”. The human shields label is an interesting one because unlike Israel and the West, when Israel uses human shields, Hamas do not attack. Yet Israel’s excuse for slaughtering innocent people without a shred of mercy or remorse is the “terrorists” were using “human shields”. It really is worth pondering and reflecting on for quite some time what sort of army, nation, government, willfully and deliberately slaughters innocent people because there are so-called “terrorists” in the vicinity. Taken at face value, it is an utter abomination. Very few people will ever kill a child or bomb an entire hospital, school or refugee camp to get to one or two bad guys. It is too high a price to pay and merely succeeds in gaining sympathy for the group being targeted. The plight of Palestinians has seen more growing global support at this point in time, that at any other point in history. Not even horror movies are that macabre as what we have seen from Israel. But Israel is an uncontrollable, unhinged death cult, built on a foundation of blood and death, and that is quite willing to ruthlessly massacre all the good guys to get to a couple of so-called “bad guys”, of which Israel never supplies any evidence, because there are no bad guys. Israel and the West are the bad guys. We can safely conclude that there were no “bad guys”. Israel’s sole intention is extermination and they will repeatedly lie to get there.


Thus what makes more sense is not that there are “human shields” that Israel insists are “fair game” according to “International Law”. What makes more sense is that Israel is simply carrying out genocide and using the classification “terrorist” to justify war crimes and crimes against humanity. Even “terrorists” are entitled to due process and procedural fairness but it seems in this day and age you can just call someone a terrorist and if you’re Jewish, get away with their cold-blooded murder, because you are special. So people fell for classification. What came next that made them so infatuated with Israel and the West’s bloodhounds of hate unleashing death and destruction across Palestine and the few neighbours in the region who support their friends?



Next is symbolisation, where any identifying feature of the targeted population on Israel’s radar to be wiped out are considered “hate symbols”. If you display those symbols you are persecuted and punished. In Palestine’s case, the flag, the keffiyeh, the upside down triangle, the watermelon, the hijab, the mosque, the act of prayer. The flag of Hamas. The uniform of Hamas. The flag of Hezbollah. All these symbols have been used to further advance Israel’s case for genocide and make the “terrorists” easily identifiable to the general public. Now, Palestinians and their friends cannot walk down the street anywhere in the world without being vilified, attacked, condemned, threatened and assaulted. The authorities and media are only too willing to engage in the onslaught. Not only have Israel and the West succeeded in targeting Palestinians in their home country, but they have succeeded in making anyone seen associating with Palestinians and bearing any symbols of the Palestinian cause, victims of attack, hate, condemnation, abuse and punishment.




Once you’ve achieved this level of prejudice, you’ve opened the door for discrimination and Palestinians no longer feel safe, protected or welcomed anywhere they go. This has been the daily lives for Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel for decades. They have been consistently discriminated against and denied their basic civil liberties by Israel. For decades, they have been treated like second-class citizens and once the prejudices in society are that entrenched, everyone sees them as less-than-human. So while Israel is slaughtering Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, the rest of the world is pre-occupied with identifying Palestinian cultural features and identity as symbols of hate and discriminating against supporters accordingly. Now symbols are banned across various Western nations in a perverse submission to Israeli control and genocide. Citizens of the West who wear symbols associated with Palestinian culture and identity are now targeted and harassed by Israel’s death cult members. This stage also leaves Palestinians and their supporters open to being fired from high-profile roles and being prevented from inclusion in society and feeling a sense of belonging, peace and freedom. Such discrimination is designed to discourage dissent, punish people who call out the genocide and alienate the targeted population, while distracting the media from the genocide. Meanwhile, the citizens around the world sit back and relax while millions are displaced and tens of thousands are slaughtered and hundreds of thousands are denied access to the basic necessities of life. The human rights of Palestinians and their supporters have been denied for 76 years and still it goes on, and here we are, at that point where genocide is taking place and instead of condemning it, people are cheering Israel on. It is a strange new era we have entered as a civilisation, with a darkening horizon and bleak landscape ahead of us.


The Star of David and Israel’s flag have been hijacked and used as a symbol of murderous conquest in Palestinian lands, revealing Israel’s true intent. Ethnic cleansing, not self-defence. While recently in England a politician called for Israel’s flag to be displayed at their airports. Meanwhile in Germany people who want to be citizens of Germany have to swear allegiance to Israel and assert its right to exist.



Dehumanisation is next and it has been especially effective for Israel. Israel repeatedly referred to Palestinians as “human animals” after 7 October, 2023. Apparently, this was enough for Western Governments and media to believe they deserved to be slaughtered and exterminated, rather than protected and offered safe haven. Thus once Israel convinced Western Governments and media of the sub-human status of the people of Palestine, Israel got the green light to control, slaughter and entrap the lot of them. Palestinians cannot even flee to other nations for safety and sanctuary. The Australian Government has shamefully refused to grant anymore than a handful of token “tourist” visas to Palestinians fleeing genocide and extermination and sought to grandstand about how few visas it had granted to an innocent population enduring several hundred bombs a day being dropped on them, their homes, their families and their communities. The heartlessness of the West and the Australian Government is incomprehensible. The endorsement and bloodthirstiness from the Australian and other Western Governments is deeply disturbing. Israel has not just dropped bombs on schools and hospitals with impunity, it has tortured and executed imprisoned Palestinians. It has left premature babies in humidity cribs to die, starved of life-saving oxygen, milk, nourishment and care. It has persuaded the West that the Palestinian people are less than human and incredibly, it has worked. While Israel is carrying out the most barbaric and psychotic acts ever seen against human beings, it has the audacity to dehumanise the Palestinian people and call them “human animals”. Yet the world can see who has behaved as human animals and it is not the people of Palestine. Instead of banning Israel’s hate speech directed at Palestinians, Western Governments, politicians and mainstream media outlets broadcast it and shamelessly champion it. Racism and hatred has become normalised and Israel continues to get away with it. It makes no sense. But it does get Israel one step close to carrying out genocide.



Next, comes Organisation and Israel was remarkably well-prepared and well-equipped to embark on this genocide in Gaza. Corralling Western government support and media endorsement from around the world, it was able to quickly carry out its bombing campaign across the Gaza Strip, relentlessly, mercilessly, ruthlessly. It lied about the mission and the media and politicians were only too willing to publish the propaganda and promote Israel’s genocide in Gaza and ethnic cleansing in the West Bank. Israel’s recent attacks in Lebanon also required quite a large degree of organisation over a long period of time to successfully carry it out. It makes you wonder who is next in Israel’s terrorism quest across the Middle East given how well in advance Israel had to have its terrorist attack in Lebanon planned out. When you are that organised, genocide is easy.



Of course, polarisation is an essential step. A mission of “divide and destroy” ensues, whereby groups are driven apart by propaganda, lies, manipulation and hate speech from Israel’s politicians, supporters and sympathetic and complicit Western media outlets. Any form of speech or expression that counters the prevailing pro-Israel, pro-Genocide attitudes is swiftly shut down. Institutions that were once the home of dissent and protest, such as the media and universities, are now involved in silencing and punishing those who challenge Israel’s violence and genocide. Vendettas are launched against people who challenge Israel’s aggression and terror. The media is a channel for intimidating, silencing, threatening and attacking people who do not support Israel’s genocide. To say these are dangerous times we are living in and our democracy is resting on a shaky foundation, to say the least, is an understatement. The vitriol and hate from Israel’s cheer squad directed at those who oppose Israel’s genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza and the West Bank is overwhelming and frightening. Some people who support Palestine have been dealing with bomb threats, death threats, wishes of harm, summoned to court, and loss of livelihood. The violence is frightening, and the police are doing nothing to protect people under attack from Israel’s death squad. Worse still, those who are from Israel or who are of Jewish background, who dare to challenge the war and who propose a peaceful resolution are greeted with even worse vitriol, violence and hatred. In Israel and around the world. If they refuse to join the Israeli Occupation Forces, they are beaten and jailed. While millions are starving and sick, and hundreds of thousands are wounded and dying, and tens of thousands are dead in Gaza and many more face attack and being murdered in the West Bank, here in the West, people who challenge what is going on are shut down, silenced, attacked and persecuted. The discourse has been completely hijacked by Israel. Protesters in America are beaten and attacked by police in riot gear. The level of police brutality towards protesters in America, especially on university campuses, is very revealing. It shows an Orwellian hypocrisy and undermines the idea of “American democracy and freedom”. The Bill of Rights does not seem to apply to protesters in America.

“Oppression Is Protection; Brutality Is Safety; Authoritarianism Is Freedom”.



The next stage is preparation. Israel has been carefully planning to take over the region since 1948. “Greater Israel” is the grand plan for the entire region and Netanyahu has been perfectly open about this aim. The Bible says it is theirs, so the rest of the world and the people of Palestine who have been living their for centuries, just have to take it, apparently. There has been a gradual and violent mission to ethnically cleanse the region and kill any Palestinian who gets in the way while keeping people from the International Community out of Gaza. This is all common knowledge. Israel forbids the free flow of people in and out of Gaza while the West Bank is invaded by violent, dangerous, murderous settlers every day, and Israelis boast about “settling” Gaza and are preparing to make their claim. Their barbarity and savagery is something from a bygone era. Watching it makes one think these are the things human beings did when they did not know better, when human rights were not a thing, when all people in all places were not considered free and equal, when rules of war were not enforced, when International Law did not exist. Yet, Israel’s behaviour and Extermination Agenda takes this civilisation back centuries as they show utter contempt for the rules of war, International Humanitarian Law, democracy and common human values. They show a callous disregard for human suffering and utter contempt for Palestinian lives and livelihoods. In fact, it would not be a stretch to suggest there has never been a nation, regime, or civilisation as depraved and barbaric as Israel. No civilisation has ever plunged this low. The daily, murderous assault across Palestine has resulted in Israel encroaching on more and more of the territory that belongs to the Palestinian people, reducing Palestine’s territory in direct contravention of International Law. Now Lebanon is in their sights.


Carefully executing this plan involves a great deal of censorship. As discussed, Israel and its supporters have been successfully screeching “anti-semitism” at anyone who challenges Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity across Palestine. Anti-semitism has been used as weapon of war to silence the masses, but as we have seen in the weekly protests across the globe, it has not worked on the citizenry. However, the plan to ethnically cleanse Palestine by labelling those who oppose it “anti-semitic”, has worked on politicians and media who deliver meticulously scripted, rehearsed, identical condemnations to anyone in the West who protests the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine. It is like watching puppets on a stage. Coupled with labelling Palestinians and their allies and supporters as “terrorists”, Israel quickly wins over support from those who lack the critical thinking skills to realise what is going on here. Israel wants Palestine erased off the map and Palestinians exterminated and ethnically cleansed from the region. The easiest way to do this is to call them “terrorists” and demand that allied nations also call them “terrorists”. This is despite the fact that Palestinian Statehood is not terrorism or extremist ideology, and the majority of nations in the United Nations, recognise Palestine as its own state.


Common sense and reason has been abandoned, with Western leaders calling the murderous invaders, Israel, the “good guys”, even though Israel is murdering Palestinians, violating their human rights and denying them freedom and independence. The United Nations says all human beings on Earth are born free and equal. It seems this is unless you are Palestinian. International Law declares genocide a crime. But if you are Israel it seems you can get away with genocide, given the International Court has failed to issue arrest warrants to Netanyahu and complicit Western leaders. This is a ludicrous situation for civilisation to be dealing with right now. It does not take a genius to see that the bad guys are in fact Israel and its Western and Middle Eastern supporters and backers and the media and prominent individuals and institutions who are running the protection racket around it.





This leads to the next stage of genocide which is persecution. Israel states they are targeting Hamas to deal with “terrorism”. Note: resistance is not terrorism. Yet men have been singled out by the IOF and shuffled away to what can only be described as concentration camps within a concentration camp, where they are being subjected to torture and abuse so heinous some of the men have died, while others are left weak, starved and ill. In addition to the innocent men of Gaza, Israel is targeting anyone Palestinian and anyone that supports and sustains Palestinian life. Babies, children, journalists, aid workers, doctors, police, professionals, academics, civil defence workers, teachers, schools, hospitals, mosques, homes, infrastructure, refugee camps, fishermen, olive groves, cemeteries, cultural buildings, universities, the beach, tents, and people lining up for aid and people helping the injured, dead and dying. Irrespective of nationality, everyone is fair game. This is not about ending “terrorism”. This is about Israel successfully carrying out acts of terrorism and war crimes on the people of Palestine while Western governments arm, support, resource and defend Israel’s mission to erase Palestine from existence and from the map. Yet Israel are the terrorists and the bad guys. Israel has no right to kill innocent civilians yet this has been Israel’s mission since 1948, to exterminate the Palestinian people. Such is the depth of hatred Israelis harbour for their fellow human beings. Israel claims Palestinian identity and Palestinians are a fiction so Israel simply chooses to deny their existence, while demanding the rest of us subscribe to the notion that “Israel has a right to exist” while refusing to accept that Palestine also has a right to exist. It is a parallel universe we have entered at this time. Meanwhile, the rules of war have been burned to ashes and the requirement that only combatants who are fighting are targeted no longer applies in this Brave New World we live in.



Another step to consider here is manipulation, psychopathy, and narcissism. It takes a profound amount of manipulation, misinformation and coercive control to get away with this degree of death and destruction in such a small region of the world, over such a short amount of time, but also over such a long amount of time given Palestinians have been tormented, traumatised and killed by Israelis for decades. This manipulation takes place via paid junkets to Israel so politicians and journalists are brainwashed by the death cult that is “Israel”. It also helps if every institution, political party and media outlet is infiltrated with brainwashed cult members to advance the agenda, further the cause, and promote the bloodshed. This is crucial in getting away with genocide while it is occurring in plain sight. What will never quite make sense is how people can lose the capacity to feel empathy and mercy for innocent men, women and children being slaughtered and suffering immensely. How does Israel manage to turn so many hearts into stone and poison so many souls?



The next most critical step in genocide is Extermination. In Israel’s case, this has not been just a physical goal, Israel has also attempted to wipe out the identity of Palestinians from humankind by stating “Palestinians” as a population of people simply don’t exist and there is no such thing as Palestine. Israel states it is merely embarking on a noble crusade of ethnic cleansing to restore the land to the Jewish people. After decades of taunting, tormenting, traumatising, torturing and killing the Palestinian people, it now also claims they do not actually exist as a people entitled to self-determination, freedom and their homeland back.


Israel has also used traditional weapons of war to exterminate the Palestinian people.


·         For nearly a year, it has dropped approximately 100,000 American, German and British bombs on Gaza while also murdering Palestinians in the West Bank. This equates to approximately three hundred bombs a day dropped on Gaza, the equivalent of two nuclear bombs, more bombs than at any other time in human history;

·         Imprisonment and execution in concentration camps;

·         Capturing, raping and executing families;

·         Bombing refugee camps, hospitals, schools and places of worship;

·         Starvation;

·         Dehydration;

·         Preventing food, medicine, water and essential supplies, resources and workers from getting in;

·         Lack of basic hygiene facilities and sanitary items for women and lack of access to toilets and showers;

·         Killing journalists and aid workers so the world is kept in the dark and the Palestinian people slowly starve to death or die from their injuries or diseases;

·         Killing paramedics and bombing ambulances and executing anyone who goes to help a wounded Palestinian person;

·         Preventing fuel from getting in, meaning hospitals are unable to function and lives can not be saved;

·         Bombing areas numerous times after Palestinians return to areas they thought were safe to return to;

·         Bombing safe zones after declaring the areas to be “safe”;

·         Working with allies to trick the Palestinians into believing they are getting help and support and then mass murdering the Palestinian people;

·         Not letting enough aid in via sea or air despite the rest of the world wanting to send help to Gaza and being ready, willing and able to send help to Gaza;

·         Psychological warfare;

·         Threatening, attacking and bombing allies in the region who are defending Palestine and Lebanon; and

·         Indignation and defiance from the Netanyahu Regime and their death cult cheer-leaders when anyone points out Israel’s atrocities and demands a ceasefire.


The atrocities occurring in Gaza right now are endless. Meanwhile, in the West Bank, Israeli settlers violently invade the homes of Palestinians and harm and kill Palestinians and steal their homes and land. Every day Palestinians are kidnapped and jailed by Israel where they are subjected to the most vile, barbaric and heinous acts of torture and murdered slowly, mercilessly and painfully. Never have we seen a more evil mission of torture and slaughter of millions of human beings as we are seeing right now from Israel, directed at the Palestinian people. The objective is extermination. This is not self-defence. These actions are war crimes and crimes against humanity. The West supports Israel even though Israel is breaching International Law and carrying out the most appalling and horrendous acts against innocent civilians, children and babies. It has now shifted its genocidal focus to Lebanon using the same lies and propaganda to manipulate the media and politicians into compliance.



Finally, we have denial and normalisation. This step has been remarkable easy to achieve given that Western mainstream media outlets and sympathetic, genocidal regimes have chosen to toe the line. Thus the rest of the world carries on like this is all normal and slaughtering millions of innocent civilians is just what 21st century civilisation does for the sake of “economic conquest”, enforcing “Western Values”, “self-defence”, “eliminating terrorists”, and upholding “Democracy”. This is all “normal behaviour” when dealing with the “primitive Arabs” whose thousands of years of rich, diverse and deep culture and heritage is blown to pieces in seconds. Any humans killed are just “human shields”, “terrorists” and “collateral damage”. The propaganda is extreme and relentless, but very effective. Israel is seen as simply managing the status quo. The “status quo” being, the Arabs much be ethnically cleansed from Palestine, and Israel must enforce its presence across the region and use murder, violence, rape and torture to make sure its presence is not undermined, challenged or threatened. Israel regards itself as the “advanced society” and kills the “inferior” Palestinians to prove it. Israel assumes this air of arrogance and superiority and has convinced Western media, politicians, institutions and prominent, powerful and influential individuals, that extermination, genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and crimes against humanity is “normal” and superior behaviour. It is quite interesting to see this unfolding before our very eyes and how easily people are selling this propaganda and how gullible the public are in buying it.


For months those who have stood up for humanity have had to deal with churlish retorts of “blame Hamas” and “release the hostages”, while not acknowledging the thousands of Palestinian hostages Israel is currently holding captive, torturing, raping and murdering in Israel’s jails, without charge. The Israeli regime and their abject defenders cast blame on the Palestinian resistance movement. In actual fact, the blame lies at the feet of the Israelis and their Western supporters and cheerleaders in America, Canada, Australia, England, Germany, France, Italy and neighbouring countries in the Middle East who also help Israel carry out the slaughter and genocide. The ridiculous assertion that “Hamas” is to blame for all the deaths is nonsense and simply does not stand to reason nor will it work in a court of law. Israel is dropping the bombs, the West supplied the bombs, the Palestinian people are dying, this is genocide and Israel must bear responsibility for this horrendous crime against humanity.



Radio silence. While Israel’s scorched earth policy in Palestine continues ruthlessly, relentlessly and unhindered, the rest of the world sits back quietly. Why do so many citizens of the world sit back quietly as these heinous atrocities and barbaric human rights violations occur? This is because they have been black-listed, threatened with arrest, actually arrested, threatened with expulsion and suspension from universities and fired from high-profile jobs, or threatened with legal action. This radio silence is only briefly interrupted by the crackling of propaganda, misinformation and lies to advance the genocide and accelerate the ethnic cleaning across the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Why does the Australian Government make decisions that make it easier for Israel to commit genocide unhindered and unbothered, by perpetuating propaganda and involving our military in the continuation of the genocide by attacking the brave Houthis who are defending Palestine and the Palestinian people?


Thus these are the steps in genocide and how Israel has done it and achieved it in Palestine and now it seems they are moving on to Lebanon. The Middle East must be on high alert at this time because everything is at stake and they have a lot to lose if Israel achieves its objective and fulfills its Extermination Agenda across the region.


Now is the time for all citizens of the world to unite for this cause of Palestinian liberation, sovereignty and peace. The struggle for human rights for the people of Palestine is not just a struggle for Palestinians, it is now a global struggle. Now their neighbours and friends in Lebanon are under attack from Israel for looking out for Palestine and defending Palestinians. If you have ever cared about human rights, freedom, peace, social justice and the self-determination of all sovereign nations and populations on Earth, now is the time to rise up, be heard and march for Palestine, Lebanon and all nations being threatened by Israel, including Syrian, Iran and Yemen. When it comes time to vote at your national elections in your country, vote the barbarians out who championed Israel’s genocide, ethnic cleansing, and murderous campaign of destruction, depravity and torture across Palestine. If anyone says to you, there is nothing Australia can do, politely inform them that there is a lot the Australian Government can do. Remember, a vote for the Australian Labor Party is a vote for Australia’s complicity in Israel’s genocide in Gaza and crimes against humanity in the West Bank and Lebanon. There is an important distinction to make, recognise and acknowledge though. A vote for the Liberal National Party would be a vote for Australia’s active participation in Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity across the Middle East. But this is a matter to mull over at the next election. For now, there is plenty the Australian Government can do to show disapproval for Israel’s war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity, while showing mercy, compassion, generosity of spirt and empathy for Palestine and their neighbours who are also under attack.


·         Firstly, it can show strength and courage and call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and join efforts to rebuild Palestine without the interference of the dangerous Israeli regime;

·         Secondly, it can call for immediate unconditional recognition of Palestinian statehood;

·         Thirdly, it can call Israel’s war crimes what they are: gross violations of the human rights of the people of Palestine and breaches of International Law and the Rules of War;

·         Fourth, directly state that what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people is genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes, and crimes against humanity;

·         Fifth, demand the Genocide Convention be immediately invoked and that Israel be stopped from carrying out its Extermination Agenda;

·         Six, join all the other countries who favour peace, sovereignty, freedom, and the human rights of the Palestinian people over Israel’s barbaric, murderous campaign of ethnic cleansing in Palestine, in their case against Israel at the International Court of Justice;

·         Seven, demand the arrest warrants be issued to Netanyahu and his Western backers and that they be brought to justice immediately;

·         Eight, cease trade with Israel;

·         Nine, expel the Israeli ambassador from Australia’s shores;

·         Ten, sanction, boycott and divest from Israel until full Palestinian statehood is granted and recognised with all the human rights and civil liberties afforded to all other sovereign populations on Earth;

·         Eleven, stop threatening and undermining free speech by criminalising criticism of Israel and labelling critics of Israel’s genocide of Palestine as “anti-semitic”. Stop using “anti-semitism” as a weapon of war and stop circulating and repeating Israel’s lies, propaganda and misinformation;

·         Twelve, reclaim Australia’s sovereignty from the grip and stranglehold of the murderous, depraved, Zionist ideology that is an affront to Australia’s values, human rights and peace across the globe;

·         Thirteen, start admitting the truth of what’s happening here. That Israel is committing heinous atrocities and appalling human rights violations across Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and Iran. That Israel are the bad guys and Palestinians are the good guys. That genuine criticism of Israel has nothing to do with religion, identity or nationality and everything to do with their illegal, barbaric actions and war crimes being perpetrated across the Middle East. That silencing criticism of Israel is authoritarianism and fascism. That labelling critics of Israel as “anti-semitic” is waging war on Israel’s behalf on our soil and the Australian people do not have to tolerate dealing with such weapons of war being used on our territory where we are free to object to war, violence, death and destruction as we see fit. That Israel’s actions amount to terrorism, war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, ethnic cleansing and extermination. That Netanyahu and his co-conspirators across Europe, America and the West belong in The Hague so they can spend the rest of their days in a prison cell where they belong. In this way, Palestine will finally achieve justice and freedom.

·         If the Australian Government is unable to admit these things then it must confess to being a wholly owned subsidiary of the foreign criminal entities, America and its proxy Israel. It should admit that Australia is America’s proxy in the South-East Asian region of the world. Given this clear undermining of our national sovereignty, immediately call a Federal Election. Either the Australian Government works for the Australian people, or it works for foreigners and is being issued directives and instructions from foreign regimes. At this point, it is clear the Australian Government is America and Israel’s servant and following orders from them and the Australian Labor Party is not fit to govern Australia or even run for Parliament. They have betrayed our values and betrayed our nation and cannot be trusted. The alternative, the Liberal National Party, are no different and undermined Australia’s sovereignty and independence with its policy decisions when in Government. Australia must elect an independent alternative, not subservient to America or Israel. Come what may, Australia must reject the treachery of the duopoly and elect a third option. As a blizzard of bombs rains down on Gaza, the West Bank is systematically bulldozed and destroyed, Lebanon faces relentless attack, Syrians and Yemenis face human rights violations and atrocities from Israel and America, Iran faces imminent attack from Israel, and Israel advances its Extermination Agenda with impunity, it is time for Australia to reject a Government that stands with the Israeli regime carrying out these atrocities and crimes against humanity. The people have the power to stand with Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iran, and stop supporting political parties with an insatiable lust for blood in the Middle East and vote them out at the next Federal and State elections.


Until the Australian Government takes firm actions in favour of peace, justice, freedom, sovereignty, independence, financial opportunities and enterprise, and safety for Palestinians, neither political party of the duopoly, deserves the blinkered, unwavering support of the Australian people. In fact, they deserve to be placed last on all ballot papers in 2025.


They can call us “terrorists” and “anti-semitic” for not supporting Israel’s genocide and ethnic cleansing across the Middle East, but as we have seen from the last 76 years, the real terrorists, war criminals and monsters are the Israelis and Americans and their Western backers. Hamas have agreed to numerous ceasefire arrangements. Middle Eastern governments have supported ceasefire arrangements and guaranteed Israel’s security in the context of an independent Palestinian state. Netanyahu refuses to agree to this even though this is what everyone wants. Why doesn’t Netanyahu agree? Could it be because his end game does not include Palestine on the world map? Could it be because his end game involves him controlling the Middle East? Could it be because Netanyahu is a blood thirsty lunatic drunk on power and control? Killing is addictive and Netanyahu’s addiction and lust for blood is insatiable. There has been so much bloodshed in the Middle East. One can only conclude that the only way this ends is with Netanyahu’s arrest or removal from power in Israel. It is up to the people to bring this madness to an end, once and for all, and for America to stop arming Israel, Israel to lay down its arms, and embrace the two-state solution on the table that Middle Eastern nations and Palestine agree on. In this way the Middle East can finally know peace and freedom and begin to rebuild Palestine and Lebanon and allow Syria, Yemen and Iran to return to restoring their lives back to some semblance of normality in a region of the world already fraught with enough challenges and difficulties not of their making. America and its proxy Israel have no right to cause further disruption, disharmony, death and destruction to the Middle East. They have done enough damage and must be stopped, once and for all. Israel’s Extermination Agenda will fail. Israel is a failed state, a rogue state, and should be treated as such by the International Community from now on. There can be no glory in Genocide, only condemnation and punishment. The media attempts to sanctify the war criminal Netanyahu and his co-conspirators in America, Biden and Blinken, must be arrested and face trial in The Hague. In the meantime, the struggle is real in Palestine and Lebanon and the intifada must prevail as Palestinians and Lebanese face the horrific ultimatum from Israel, America, and the West that they have to “be like us, let us control you, or die”. This is no life, this is apartheid, this is terrorism, this is entrapment, this is captivity, this is collective punishment, this is a crime against humanity. Israel must be stopped from continuing this macabre human experiment in suffering, killing, and torture. Palestine must receive justice and freedom. It is up to the rest of the world to make it happen and stop Israel and America’s Extermination Agenda. Netanyahu is not the saviour of 21st Century civilisation, Netanyahu and his Western backers and death cultists, the toxic shards tearing the underlying fabric of this civilisation apart, are the destroyers and exterminators of this civilisation and everything that matters and that we hold dear. Freedom, diversity, inclusion, belonging, acceptance, tolerance, dignity, respect, peace, kindness, compassion, mercy. It is not the mark of an advanced civilisation to achieve peace via barbarism, human rights violations and endless atrocities. Genocide is not self-defence. Ethnic cleansing is not self-defence. Extermination is not self-defence. Genocide, ethnic cleansing and extermination are war crimes. Indeed, Netanyahu claims Israel is going to win. All Israel is set to achieve is the creation of a barren wasteland because the Jewish State felt compelled to kill everybody they felt threatened by. The manner in which the Israeli army kills human beings and the deliberate targeting of innocent civilians shows utter disregard for the rules of war or common human decency. Israel feels threatened because they invaded the homeland of the Palestinian people and the Palestinians refused to accept that outcome and wanted their homeland and their freedom back. This is understandable and this is a basic human right for the Palestinian people. So the Israelis had to keep killing them for decades. That is not a fight for civilisation or peace. Israel’s version of civilisation is dystopia, supremacy, intimidation, and terror. If that is how Israel will behave every time it does not like people, then Israel has no place in this civilisation. Civilisations live together with their neighbours in peace and harmony, independently and freely. Something Israel has never been capable of doing. End The Occupation. End The Siege. Stop The Bombings. Restore The Borders As Previously Agreed. Arrest Netanyahu, Biden and Blinken. Get Out Of Lebanon. Free Palestine. FREE PALESTINE.


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