
Showing posts from March, 2024

About This Blog and Me, The Writer :-)

  REFLECTIONS     DISCOVER SHINE A LIGHT   REFLECTIONS on the world we live in.   A Place To Ignite The Passion and Fire In Your Soul To Create A New Vision For Our Community Where You Can Make A Positive Difference and Believe Real Change Is Possible. Where Tonight’s Dream and Desire is Tomorrow’s Magnificent Reality and Abundance.   About Shine A Light   BELIEVING IN YOUR POTENTIAL   The purpose of Shine A Light is to create an inspiring space for people to reflect, wonder, think and consider the important issues of the day through a different perspective and lens to mainstream entities and authorities. It is about challenging the status quo and shifting the narrative, reclaiming the narrative, and recognising the agenda of the political and media classes and their lobbyists and putting forth a new way of thinking and approaching today’s issues and concerns. These Reflections are about Shining A Light on social justice issues that would otherwise be censor

What Happens Next For Palestinians

  We are all at a crossroads as a civilisation. We are suddenly at a turning point where we are being asked what we stand for. We were raised with values that included truth, integrity, authenticity, respect for ourselves and others, compassion, mercy, acceptance, caring and sharing, generosity of spirit, love, freedom, civility, and peace. But we now have a choice: fall for the treachery, propaganda, and lies the powerful and privileged are shoving down our throats in the mainstream media. Or stand up and fight for the truth, indeed search for the truth and stand up for what is right, decent, moral and humane. It is sadly, a double-edged sword and the powerful, privileged and dangerous amongst us have deliberately designed it that way at this point in time.   In doing so, in choosing what is right, in showing moral courage and compassion, we are being confronted with a startling scenario. Suddenly, caring for our fellow human beings simply for being human beings who are threatened

The Magic, Miracle and Magnificence of Film and Television

  An audience member’s perspective of the Film and Television Industry   It is a familiar rallying cry, a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work. This has been the catch-cry from the union movement for decades. Encouraged by empathy it is all about reasonable compensation for work, consent to use that individual’s work and consistency in that compensation. On the other hand, bosses are motivated by malice, greed, self-interest and maximising the bottom line, whatever the cost.   Thus in the film and television industry in America, the concept of fairness is lost in the land of the free and the parallel universe that is Planet Hollywood. The land of the free is certainly not the land of fairness or indeed the “fair go” once cruising those boulevards. Worker’s rights are about as foreign to Americans as universal health care, compassion, generosity of spirit and social justice. For one of the wealthiest nations on Earth, it would be safe to conclude that they have some of the lowes

The Social Security System In Australia Is Broken

  The social safety net is tattered and torn and the social security system is broken. The system is turning into a horror show for Australians reliant on government payments for survival and a basic standard of living. The system is failing Australians and costing lives, livelihoods and children their futures and their hopes, dreams, aspirations and right to access opportunities and resources to fulfill their potential and have a happy home life with their parents and caregivers. Worse than that, it is leaving the underlying social fabric of our society, all those things that make Australia a wonderful place to live and the land of the fair go and the people happy, carefree and down-to-earth, tattered and torn. The Federal Government has failed to honour its legal obligations in implementing a social security system that upholds the rights and dignity of Australians who need assistance, compassion and a path forward. But instead of acknowledging its failure as well-intentioned represe